IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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2) Trough side parts also available 316 stainless steel, material 1.4301 (AISI 304).50.50.300 325 95.090 115 95.040 65 .275 300 105 95.00kg 1 glide bar, section 0.35 ha H Ra = 100 Bi Ba H Ri ≥šKa BRi 5 BRa 20 15 24 38 35 42 20 2 4 ø 11 18 FL 4 1339 99.eu/steelguide Note: The inner width the guide through and the C-profile length the installation set can differ according to the bracket you choose. (more information Page) 1332 10. Please add index the Part No.062 95.150 169 95.E1) 99.31L E4.52.075 100 95.087 106 95.23kg Components individual parts, installation set Part No.31 Heavy-duty Trough height: 100mm Product range More information www.35 BRi [mm] .50.187 206 95.070 95.50.21 95. Installation set upon request Width index Part No.075 95.275 .200 .50. Light weight and high strength: igus® polymer e-chain® carries rigid hydraulic hoses Steel guide trough C-profile lengths C-profile length according dimension BRi 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.200 .E1) E442) E453) 99.250 .1L ● E4.31L/R4.28/R4.250 99.100 119 1 package with screw sets (for glide bar, section) 0.50.30 99.400 .275 .31. 3) Trough side parts also available 316 stainless steel, material 1.040 59 .225 .200 .50.50.300 .30 99.125 144 95.50.XXX* 99.50.E1) E442) E453) 92.01 C-profile length according dimension BRi see table the right page Individual attachment without C-profile For the following igus® series Steel guide trough 156 95.325 E4.55 M10 16 92.30 135 95.41kg 1 installation set with C-profile (C-profile length according dimension BRi) upon request *Please add the C-profile length XXX shown the tables the right page.325 .50. .28 BRi [mm] . Installation set upon request upon request Full sets Individual parts and options Full trough side part sets (2m pieces each) Part No.90kg/m Additional option for simple fastening the e-chain® without drilling Part No.00kg 1 set trough side parts, with glide bars, section, galvanised steel 12.225 .125 150 95.50.31L/R4. .16kg 1 countersunk-head screw, individual 1 hexagon nut, individual 1 hexagon-head screw, individual 1 glide nut, individual 1 C-profile, individual (C-profile length according dimension BRi) 0.56 M10 92.100 125 95.50.200 225 95.E 1) Trough side parts C-profile also available 304 stainless steel, material 1.275 .300 .050 95.31 E4.175 194 95.250 .50.325 .XXX*.250 275 95.00kg Full installation set Part No.50.50.087 112 95.040 65 .062 95. Example: 92.300 .50.51 92.200 .eu/steelguide Width index Part No.1338 99. Weight 1 clamping bracket, individual 0.050 69 . Installation set upon request upon request Width index Part No. Please add index E45 the Part No.112 131 95.52. Please call us.200.4571 (AISI 316Ti).200 .01 92.28 E6 ● E6.50.igus.50.28/R4.175 200 95. Example: 95.31 Steel E4.225 .50 95.75 kg 1 glide bar, section screw sets 0.50.150 175 95. Weight 1 set trough side parts, without glide bars, section 10.200 .250 .E1) E442) E453) 95.4404 (AISI 316L).050 95.200 . Weight 1 trough side part, section 5.225 . Please add index E44 the Part No.070 95.50.120 145 95.200 .50.450 E6.31L BRi [mm] . Weight 1 installation set without C-profile 0.54 M6 92.375 .250 .425 .53 14 92. 1 set fixed end module.162 181 95.100 125 95.225 250 95.igus.50.00kg *Please add the C-profile length XXX shown the tables the right page.20 92.225 .350 .250 .030 55 .1 ● E4.060 95.200 219 95.200 Components individual parts, trough Part No.50