IGUS (en)

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0 E2/000 1400.075/450.250/250.Bi.0 10.50.075/075.0 E2 micro 03.0 E4. 1400.075/075.0 06.0 1400.050.0 1400.2.075/075.igus.075/075.075/075.0 E332.0 easychain® E14/Z14.020. Ready ship 48hrs.0 1400.5 2 38.0 1400.40.140/140.150/150.32.0 E332.100/500.075/075.0 E332.048/048.025.0 332.2.075/075.038/038.0 10.0 1400.048/1050.140/140.10.0 1400.0 B15.038/ We recommend pivoting mounting brackets for most applications with circular movement with RBR Standard E2/000 e-chain®, angle rotation 225°.038.028/028.0 332. One part the guide trough attached the static part the system and the other part the rotating part the system.10.048/390.0 3400.025.42.075/ R2i.075/075.2.5 2 1400.0 332.32.0 2400.0 3400.038.075/075.0 triflex® 332.0 2400.075/075.03.065/185.0 E332.0 1400.075/075.100.175/175.050.048/048.0 E2.150/150.2.0 B15.048/048.0 E2C.028/028.075.0 332. The e-chain® length required for your rotation angle can determined easily, quickly and reliably via the igus® CAD configurator.0 B17. E332.Bi.16.0 Fixed End travel Rotating More information www.0 2400.16.32.0 E332.038/038.0 B15.038/038.30.300/300.0 10.0 3400. Part No. result rotating systems can supplied with energy, data and liquids for the machine tool industry, robotics, bucket wheel excavators and ship cranes.0 E14/Z14.048/048.075/075.0 E332.0 E2C.038/075.0 332.025.igus.0 2480.2.0 352.100/100.15.0 2400.0 B17.0 2500.0 332.1 micro E2C.0 2600.038/ 352.03.038/038.2.080. The length the e-chain® calculated according the rotation angle and the diameters.10.175/ E2.3.048/048.150/090.5 2 E332.75.063/063.0 3400.32.5 2 38.25.150/685.0 E332.Bi.150.100/300.038/038.150/150.50.0 1400.038/038.16.075/650.125/125.25.200/200.0 2600.048/048. As alternative the ReverseBendRadius(RBR) solutions, the e-chain® can also rolled some applications.100/100.75.100/2000. Reverse Bend Radius means that the e-chain® can bend two directions.075/075.200/200.1 E4.0 10.038/038.0 E4. The e-chain® should short as possible.0 3400.2.0 10.020.0 352.0 E14/Z14.018/018.32. igus® offers both trough systems designed for specific projects and some dimensions pre- engineered standard rotary modules.150/150.015. ● Failsafe cables for rotary guide systems www.075/ hi [mm] B15i.50. Please contact for any enquiry.038/350.2. The RBR does not necessarily need identical the normal bend radius (R) e-chain®.eu/rbr-configurator ● Depending the application question, the e-chains® glide surfaces made plastic, stainless steel galvanised steel and are guided special channels predefined circular movement.0 332.igus. E2 mini 10.0 2400.100.0 10.0 352.075/075.055/250.50.0 332.0 1500.0 R2.125/125.075/075.075/075.Bi.100.018/018.250/250.0 332.135/1500.048/048.25.0 1400.0 E332.038.0 332.075/075.038/038.0 B15.055/250. www.2.0 E332. E332.0 06.048/048.028/028.0 B15.160/450.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.0 332.0 E14/Z14.200/200.0 1400.0 1400.32.048/048.0 E332.175.028/028.32.200/ 16 16 16 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 Thee-chain® seriesappearing inthetableareRBRversions available from stock. E14/Z14.50.025.0 E4/4 2828.0 1400.100/250.0 hi [mm] 2400.025.150/150.0 E332.32.20.038/038. RBR 2 26 2 26 2 26 2 26 2 26 2 38.0 hi [mm] E332.0 05.25.0 332.075/075.eu Technical data circular movement RBR Max.028/028.0 E2C.050.50.075/075.0 1400.075/075.0 E332.050.050.075/075. RBR 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 35 35 45 45 45 45 45 45 40 21 42 42 32 56 80 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 3 2 13 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 26 Part No.100/80. RBR snapchain – – 19 19 19 19 19 5 5 10 Circular movement RBR Application Rotating energy supply the modular system for fast rotating applications with RBR For several years igus® has been developing customised systems for circular movements with e-chains®, offer rotating energy supply systems.02.075/075.038/038.100/100.048/048.038.0 B15i.075/650.1.2.05. angle rotation 540° Forhigherrotationanglesupto900°MultiRotationModule(MRM) Page132 v max 2m/s Depending the application, please check with igus® a max 20m/s2 Depending the application, please check with igus® Available from stock.125/125.075/075.125/125.0 1400.250/250. RBR 17 17 32 32 32 10 10 15 15 15 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Part No.100/460. These guide trough systems consists two circular guide elements.0 332. 1400.0 easy triflex® E332.32.0 10.0 10.Bi.0 B15.2.0 E332.025.038/038.2.048/048.038.075/075.125/125. wide range of circular movements can achieved with the RBR option.075/075.048/048.100.Bi.018/018.038/038.0 2700.200/ 06.0 332.64. Configure seconds .025.038/038.0 TE26.0 10.eu/chainflex Table RBR e-chains® available from stock Circular movement RBR Application Guide trough systems RM and MRM for rotation angle upto900°andhighloads Page 132 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 E332.0 B15.0 3400.50.0 5050. Almost all igus® e-chains® can be deliveredasanRBRversion.0 332.048/ 332.05..0 2400.100/1040.0 03.0 332.igus.0 332.0 10.5 10.075/075.0 2400.038/038.0 E332.048/048.0 332.0 332.0 332.75.25.igus.2. ● Maximum rotation angle minimal installation space ● Minimum displacement forces and maximum service life ● Modular construction with standardised mounting options ● Integrated strain relief and cable guidance directly the guide trough ● Determine the rotating energy supply quickly and easily using the CAD configurator www. E332.068.0 E332.0 10.0 2700.025.0 10.075/075.075/075.05.063/063.131 130 igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus igus i g us igus igus igus igus hi [mm] snapchain TE14.12. The fixed end the e-chain® can freely placed, as both the inside and outside parts the rotary modules can rotated.0 352. 1400.0 2450.038.200/200.0 2600.100/200.0 B15.15.5 10.250.75. Versions with Reverse Bend Radius (RBR) can made for many igus® e-chains® reworking the standard chain links.048/048.100/100.eu/rbr-configurator Bend radius R Reverse Bend Radius RBR The right guide trough for RBR e-chain® everything from one source .250/250.150/150.0 2400.100/100.32.048/048.0 E332.0 E332.40.075/450.175/175. The rotating energy supply systems consist e-chain® with Reverse Bend Radius (RBR) and guide trough system adapted the e-chain® and the circular motion. 332.0 1400.0 B17.125.5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Part No.055/1400.010/070.42.0 2400.250/250.015.125/125.048/048.0 B15.100/2000.32.0 10.0 4040C.0 1400.0 1400.0 E4.038/038.038/080.100/100.015