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01 98.5 2.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched. More information www.6 91.7/B15.6/15.5 4.56/R4.34, E4.5 1.80 Trough with glide bar, section 126.80.10 10.31 E4.015 91.31L/R4.50 91.050/B15.31 800, 840 92.70 10.6/B15. They have a continuous glide bar for the gliding section the trough.40 Trough with glide bar, section 106,5 4.58/H4Q.1332 1333 91.025/B15.71 10.050/15.65 Trough with glide bar, section 50.015 91.31 E4Q.70 E2 mini ● 10 ● B15 zipper ● 15 H Ra H Ri ha Bi Ba BRa BRi 4 15 23 48 46.80.5 2.038/15.30 Trough without glide bar, section 106.26, 2500, 255, E6.80/H4.015/B15.62,4040HD/8840HD 95. The guide troughs for the e-chains® with outer width 100mm are available from stock.60 10.90 Trough with glide bar, section 72.5 2.30 97.038 91.82, E4.5/15. (material: galvanised steel) 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Please consult igus® for delivery time.015/B15. For steel guide troughs For e-chain® series *Fixed end module available upon request.52/R6.038/B15.58,E4.038/B15.30 98.30 96.01 93.40 98.01 96.31 14550/14650/R19050 Steel When installing the mounting brackets the fixed end, the steel trough normally needs drilled match the mounting bracket hole pattern.025/B15.050 91.48, 3500, R68, E4.6/B15. For this trough sizes installation sets are necessary the guide troughs are made single U-profile.80, 5050HD/9850HD 97.5/15.56/H4.7/15.038 91.42/R4.30 10.31 E4.41 10.80.35 Trough without glide bar, section 62.30 93.32/R4.14550.050 91.5 1.80, 15050/15150/R19850, E6.01 97.038/15.01 94.60 Trough without glide bar, section 126.000mm .30 94.48L, E4Q.5 116 2.5/B15.20 10.7 90.025/15.5 91. Fast fixation igus® mounting brackets thanks to prefabricated boreholes Fast installation C-profile for strain relief Fast bolting glide bars Industries: power plants, coal conveyors, mining, composting plants, raw material storage, gypsum plants, etc.5 2.01 95.igus.6/15.31 E2. This history. Ready ship 48hrs.025/15.01* 94. The solution for the trough joint specific for any application.38, 2700 96.5 1.7 91.7/B15.112, 1640/R1608 99.31L, E4.5 91.30 99.80.38L/R4. Steel guide trough One-piece, U-shaped Special solution for series 10, B15 and 15 For the following igus® series For series 10, and B15 one-piece, U-shaped steel guide troughs are available.30 90.igus.38L, E4Q.31 E4.015/15.51 10.5 3.11 10.29/R6.80.050/B15. For e-chain® series Weight [kg/m] Trough without glide bar, section 40.29 93.6 91.eu/steelguide Components Guide trough glide bar Fastening screws Outer e-chain® width Inner e-chain® width e-chain® outer height Trough inner height Trough outer height Trough inner width Trough outer width Series Part No.82/H4Q.015/15.50 10.eu/steelguide Steel guide trough Fixed end module Quick and simple fastening onto the steel guide trough Fixed end module length 2,000mm Available from stock.31 E2.21 10.44, E2.61 10.15 Trough without glide bar, section 89.01 92.80.31 E4.5 Ba = Bi = ha = HRi = HRa = BRi = BRa = = = = BRa BRi [mm] [mm] 91.14550.80 Trough with glide bar, section 62.31 10.30 91.80.34/H4Q.32, E6.40/R6.5 1.30 95.31 E4. 2.56,14040/14140/R18840,14240/14340,E6.60 91.80.025 91.28, E6.30 94.15 Trough with glide bar, section 89. With the new fixed end module, the holes are pre-fabricated that the 2,000mm long component can used for centre-fed, end-fed and even for reverse-fed applications.112/R4.14550.40 91.01* 90.5/B15.10 Trough without glide bar, section 50.5 116 5.10 91.70 Trough without glide bar, section 72.32/H4.20 Series Part No.52 94.40 10.42/H4.44/H4Q.48L/R4.80/R4.50 Trough with glide bar, section 40.64L,E4Q.5 2.5 1. For wider e-chains® special solutions are possible.7/15.050/15.80.30 92.80.01 99.025 91.28/R4.20 91.35 94.42, E6