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712) 1333 More information www.50 1350 93.30 97.31 100 50 70 35 130 64 170 86 220 108 170 98 300 140 480 236 95.02.SL 974. The assembly brackets used vary height only.31 92. Heavy-duty: very strong and tough guide trough made steel Easy install: installation set for joint and attachment surface connections, secure connection without misalignment and without welding Optional: 304 stainless steel, material 1.30 93.30 94.30 92.31 94. 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.30 95.10 91.50 1338 97.30 90.4404 (AISI 316L) / 316 stainless steel, material 1.31 95.SL 975.50 1340 93.50 1348 98.30 94.50 1344 94.30 97.SL 972.1328 95.30 99.30 93. Conductivity according to DIN 61537 standard.igus.31 96.50 1346 96.SL 970.50 1352 91.31 90. with glide bars Outer height Part No.igus.31 90.4301 (AISI 304) 316 stainless steel, material 1.14450.14450.SL 94.30 94.31 99.30 96.30 97.SL 973.30 92.31 95.31.SL 973.eu/steelguide Steel guide trough Introduction Advantages If the igus® installation sets are used, the guide troughs are very easy assemble.30 94.4 1329 Steel HRa [mm] 92. without glide bars Part No.50 1336 99. Ready ship 48hrs.4571 (AISI 316Ti) Resistance: Side parts made galvanised steel Large range, 2-piece design, adjustable e-chain® width Low friction: glide bar made from PE Simple fastening: directly the ground with C-profiles Fast and easy mounting: with fixed end module, without any drilling Very stable and tough for heavy-duty applications steel guide trough Steel guide trough Selection table 1) Optional: 304 stainless steel, material All sizes use common C-profile which the guide parts are assembled.31 99.31 94.30.31 96.31 96.31.31 100 50 70 35 130 64 170 86 220 170 98 84 24 35 42 54 64 108 77 87 117 117 143 236 183.SL 974.31 93.30.31 97.30 94.31 94.SL 975.31 93.30.31 92.31.4301 (AISI 304) / 316 stainless steel, material 1.14550.31 970.30 92.30 90.31.30 96.31 93. Only for series 10, and B15 Steel guide trough Size overview Available from stock.30 98.31 92.31 98.30 99.31 98.SL 972.SL 972.SL 970.14450.31 94.31 93.SL 971.Onthefollowingpages,youwillfindinformationaboutdimensions, weights and accessories according the trough size.30 99.SL 972.30 98.30 97.SL 972.eu/steelguide Part No.31.30 95. Installation set Side part material Page Steel guide trough very strong and tough for heavy-duty applications 70 galvanised steel1) 100 galvanised steel1) 100 galvanised steel1) 130 galvanised steel1) 130 galvanised steel1) 170 galvanised steel1) 170 galvanised steel1) 220 galvanised steel1) 300 galvanised steel1) 480 galvanised steel1) 48 Galvanised steel .31 94.30 95.31.SL 971.50 1342 94.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.30.4404 (AISI 316L) 316 stainless steel, material 1.14550.02.30 94.30. the following pages, you will find information about dimensions, weights and accessories according the trough size. All steel guide troughs are constructedaccordingtothesamebasicprinciple.32.4571 (AISI 316Ti) 2) Steel guide trough, piece.50 1334 95