IGUS (en)

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200 .150 960.SL ha Ba ha H Ra H Ri ≥ 2 x ha Bi BRi 4 BRa 2 2 M6 x 20 34 M6 x 20 XX? M6 x 20 Ba H Ra H Ri ≥ 2 x ha Bi BRi 4 BRa M6 16 22 10 12 24 30 21 18 = 77 4.5 960.150 .080 960.60 970.7 117 960.igus.150 .7 12 35 34 22 18 = 87 11 E2 mini ● 10 ● B15 zipper ● 15/R15 1309 970.30.31.30. Please call us.025 960.42kg 1 glide strip, plastic, section 0.150 .04kg 1 glide bar, section 0.eu/alu-guide Note: The inner width the guide through and the C-profile length the installation set can differ according to the bracket you choose.125 960.30.30.125 960.025 960. Options Additional options for simple fastening without drilling Part No.30.7 117 960. attached inwards Part No.794) 960.175 .175 960.03kg 1 C-profile, individual (C-profile length according dimension BRi) 0.30.015 960.5 960.125 960.30.175 .225 B15 BRi [mm] . attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Width index Part No.175 . 1 fixed end module set attach the e-chain® into the aluminium SuperTrough. .7 117 960.30. attached inwards Part No.30.175 .038 960. Example: 960.30.52.SL 970.30.175 960. attached inwards Part No.30. Weight 1 installation set without C-profile 0.175 .90kg 2) set trough side parts, incl.150 .30.175 .6 960.E5) MAT 0040209 x16 MAT 0040057 M6 75. Weight 1 trough side part, section 2.125 960.30.30.52.igus.175 960.06kg 4) High-speed glide bars, upon request Components individual parts, installation set Part No. For stainless steel AISI 304, please add index E.SL Alu 10 BRi [mm] .30.30.E. glide strips, without glide bars 4.30.30 960.30.30.XXX3) 70.063 960.80 C-profile length according dimension BRi see table the right page Bottom clamp attached either inwards or outwards For the following igus® series Aluminium SuperTrough 970.150 .30. More information page 1304 .30. attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Width index Part No.125 Individual parts Components individual parts, trough Part No.150 .eu/alu-guide Width index Part No.125 .90kg/m 1 screw 16, individual 1 glide nut, individual 1 interface connector, individual 5) Please add the C-profile length XXX shown the tables (right side).225 15 BRi [mm] .01 75.150 960.31.200 .050 960.025 960.40 92. glide strips, with glide bars 4.30.5 960.125 960.150 .30.30.1308 970.175 .30.050 960.200 .6 960.SL 970.200 970. C-profile lengths(according Dim. attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Full sets Full trough side part sets (2m pieces each) Part No.30.30.050 960.31.SL Trough height: 77mm Product range More information www.038 960.30.30.225 R15 BRi [mm] .30. BRi) Basic version Bottom clamp attached either inwards outwards e-chain® the tower a storage and retrieval unit for high-bay warehouses rolls off from one aluminium guide trough the opposite one 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.SL2) 960.30.038 960. glide strips, with high-speed glide bars, upon request Full installation set Part No.30.125 960. Weight 1 bottom clamp, aluminium individual 0. attached outwards upon request upon request upon request Width index Part No.125 . Weight 1 set trough side parts, incl.11 81.SL 970.015 960.06kg 1 installation set with C-profile (C-profile length according dimension BRi) upon request 3) Please add the C-profile length XXX shown the tables (right side).SL 970.30.30.025 960.30.038 960.XXX.150 960.30.20kg 1 set trough side parts, incl.150 .30.6 960.150 960.30.125. Example: 92.30. attached inwards Part No