IGUS (en)

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32, E6.52/R6.SLH E2.48L, E4Q.02.02. Standard: galvanised steel 2 33.igus.SL Mounting on the aluminium SuperTrough Mounting on KMA mounting bracket Installing the fixed end module More information www.30. Test setup axis speed 1.SL E4.32.SLH E4. ● Quick attachment the e-chain® the aluminium SuperTrough ● The mounting point the e-chain® can changed quickly Fixed end clamp principle: Fixed end clamp 970.31L/R4.SL 970.31.801) 970.81.41) 972.SL 972.30.SL 975.42/H4. 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Optional: 316 stainless steel, material 1.31.51) 973.812) 975.42/R4.80.25 12.801) 970.26, 2500, 255, E6.5m/s, travel: 18m, travel far: about 50,000km (test running since 2005) Available from stock. Ready ship 48hrs.58/H4Q.56, E6.29 971.38L/R4.32.31.5 46 77 .38L, E4Q.80/R4.SL 970.51) 973.41) 972.SL For mounting brackets from series: 10, 15/R15, B15, 1500.42, E6.38, 2700, R58 973.30.SL 972.32/R4.SL E4.30.802) 975.SL 971.48 3500, R68 974.40 972.SLH E4.82, E4.SL 975.31.31 972. For aluminium SuperTroughs For e-chain® series From inner width Mounting bracket 050 one-piece 050 one-piece 07 KMA 06 KMA 06 KMA 06 KMA 06 KMA 10 KMA 100 KMA 10 KMA 10 KMA 10 KMA 10 KMA 1) Material: polymer Material: Aluminium AlMg3, seawater resistant Fixed end clamp Material screw kits: Standard steel, galvanised.34, E4.82/H4Q.80.32/H4.SL 972.31.56/H4.SLH E4Q.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.SL E2.40/R6.31.30.51) 974.SLH E4Q.80.80.34/H4Q.30.31.56/R4.SL 974.31.41) 972.81.eu/alu-guide Fixed end module Fixed end clamp Product range AluminiumSuperTrough|Basicversion|Fixedendmodule Fixed end module simple fastening the e-chain® without drilling Tested the igus® aluminium SuperTrough has been used test setups since 2005.80.SL E2.48L/R4.41) 972.igus.28, E6.35 972.02.80 975.30. The fixed end clamp enables quick and simple attachment by clamping onto the aluminium SuperTrough without drilling.51) 974.30.41) 971.28/R4.80 Mounting bracket Aluminium SuperTrough 970.eu/alu-guide Series Part No.30.44/H4Q.30.31.80.SL 10, B15, 15/R153) 970.31.SL 973.44, E4. (AISI 316Ti).80/H4.64L, 14040/14140/R18840, 14240/14340 974.62 975.SL 974.30.30.SL 15003) 971.02.SL E4.SL 973.30.SLH 15050/15150/R19850, 15250/15350 Alu Remove the pre-assembled metal bushings Insert the threaded bushings Installation Fixed end module Installation KMA mounting bracket Optimised fixed end module lightweight, low- cost, for connection the e-chain® aluminium SuperTrough ● Mounting bracket attachment the aluminium SuperTrough without drilling ● Fixed end module clamped the trough ● Save installation time ● Minimise errors from drilling your own holes ● Stainless and cost-effective Aluminium SuperTrough Basic version Fixed end module Quick and simple fastening onto the aluminium SuperTrough Fixed end clamp attach the e-chain® into the smallest aluminium SuperTrough 970.30.52 973.58, E4.1304 A B 1305 Bi [mm] 970.80, E6.SL 972