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without glide bars Part No.31.SL 975.SL 971.30.32.SLH 975.30.SLH1) 974.eu/alu-guide For general applications aluminium SuperTrough, basic version, standard Available from stock.igus.SLH1) 960.30 1314 972.SL 972.30.31.SLH 972.30.31.32.eu/alu-guide 236 Aluminium www.SL 960. 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.SL 960.SLH 974.31.50 972.SL 971. The part numbers the channel side plates, glide strips, etc.SLH1) 975.31.31. Installation set2) Side part material Page Link Basic version, standard - for general use Left image with high-speed glide bar 77 Aluminium 77 Aluminium 87 Aluminium 117 Aluminium 117 Aluminium 117 Aluminium 144 Aluminium 184 Aluminium 236 Aluminium Heavy-duty version - for tough plant construction You can configure the heavy-duty version according the respective e-chain® you’ve chosen www.30.eu/alu-guide Part No.igus.30.31.SL 972.30.SL 960.SL 972.SL 974.4 77 1301 Alu HRa [mm] 970.SL 972. The basic clamping shoes are made aluminium.SL 974.02.SL 972.50 1324 971.eu/alu-guide ● Simple and cost-effective basic design well version for complex engineering applications ● Very lightweight, modular assembly ● Corrosion-resistant, seawater-resistant aluminium profile ● Flexible assembly ● Misalignment-free installation screwing welding the profiles required ● Conductivity according DIN 61537 standard Wear-reducing: glide strips protect from wear the sides Huge range: aluminium profile (standard: section) available for almost all igus® e-chains®, seawater and corrosion-resistant Energy supply even more durable: easy assemble, low-abrasion glide bar for higher speeds, the new standard for series 973/974/975 Fast connection: interface connector, basic, made of plastic, easy mount without tools Wear reduction: proven extruded polymer glide bar Easy installation: bottom clamp basic, attached either inwards outwards Simple fastening: C-profile, for bottom clamps For heavy-duty applications: heavy-duty bottom clamp.31.30 1312 972.SLH 973.igus.SLH1) 960.50 972.30.02.igus.igus.50 972.40 1320 974.31.SL 974.50 Simple connection: optimised polymer fixed end module option, for fast and easy mounting, without any drilling Aluminium SuperTrough Introduction Advantages More information www.SL 970.30.30 1308 970.30.50 974.SL 973.SL 960.SLH1) 973.50 975.igus.SL 971.SL 970.31.30.igus. You can configure the heavy-duty version our online-catalogue www.eu/alu-guide 117 Aluminium www.SLH 972.32. Aluminium SuperTrough Size overview Available with high-speed glide bar easy assemble and low-abrasion for higher speeds Standard glide bars Aluminium SuperTrough Selection table 1) With abrasion-optimised high-speed glide bar 2) The basic Installation sets are the standard for the aluminium SuperTroughs. The heavy-duty installation set consists larger aluminium bracket, fastened outside the guide trough.02. They can fastened inside outside and are recommended for most application areas.30.SL 973.SL 972.02.31.igus.30.31.30.SL 960.SL 972.50 973.eu/alu-guide Left image with high-speed glide bar 87 Aluminium www.eu/alu-guide 144 Aluminium www.31.eu/alu-guide 117 Aluminium www.30.SL 972.igus.igus.31.30 1316 972.30.30 1318 973.eu/alu-guide 117 Aluminium www.SL 970.31.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched. 960.31.SL 972., are the same the basic model.30.1300 970.SL 971. Ready ship 48hrs.30.30.eu/alu-guide 184 Aluminium www.eu/alu-guide .31.SL 971.SLH1) 960.50 1322 975.31.SL 975.30 1310 971.SL 970.SL 972.30.SLH 84 24 35 42 64 108 87 117 143 236 183.SL 975.32. The heavy-duty version differentiated only the type the installation set.30. with glide bars Outer height Part No.SL 972.SL 972.31.igus.SL 973