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Order example: E4. igus® interior separation elements should used for distinct division all cables and hoses. Cables and hoses Two important factors vertical hanging applications are how the cables and hoses lay in the e-chain® and and how they are secured the end points: all cables and hoses must hung so that they bear their own weight. Lateral acceleration can occur two directions.0. Partial guidance also option - however, must least cover the area which the e-chain® may sway. Guidance necessary In most cases, vertical motion applications do not require lateral guidance Vertical, hanging applications For hanging applications, heights over 100m are possible with igus® e-chains®. The lateral acceleration then acts transversely the e-chain®, where it is more stable.10. Verticalmotionwithlateralacceleration If the application has purely vertical movement without lateral acceleration, lateral support not necessary. The e-chain® fulfils the function orderly conduit bundling only and should not absorb any further tensile forces. Safe strain relief and clear separation the cables and hoses are the basic prerequisites for hanging installations.NC Special solution for vertical motion: guidelok slimline safe and fast vertical guidance ● 7m/s and 10m/s2 80% less trough required, saving costs and weight For hanging systems 50m swinging of the e-chain®, high reliability due the locking mechanism and guiding rails Faster and easier installation Reduced noise Easy access for servicing Low weight due plastic construction Energy, data and fluids supply without interruption one system More information from page 1152 igus® guidelok slimline vertical guidance in high-bay warehouse, high reliability 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. lateral acceleration occurs, lateral guidance the e-chain® must provided in most cases.eu Technical data vertical hanging Stroke height max. The E4.175. Cables must able to move freely and bear their own weight. there is room frequently the case for storage and retrieval systems narrow aisles no camber e-chain® must ordered.igus. igus® offers numerous versions without camber. 100m v max 20m/s Dependingonstrokeheightandstrengthofthee-chain® a max 50m/s2 Dependingonstrokeheightandstrengthofthee-chain® . The lateral guidance must installed accordingly.1 system. Lateral accelerations both directions are contained Lateral acceleration can occur two directions.32. Camber contributes quiet operation the e-chain®, but needs little more space.Simplyrotate the e-chain® outer link No Camber version with igus® special NC e-chains® A normal igus® e-chain® with camber suitable for hanging use enough space available.1 system one igus® best solutions for hanging applications Hanging igus® e-chain systems® canreachdifferent points Verticalhanging| guidelokslimline| Application WithE4. However, must least More information www. This ensures that the chain pressed into the trough. Principle hanging igus® e-chain® withlateralguidance, lateral accelerations both directions are contained.eu Vertical hanging Application Hanging applications with heights over 100m are possible with e-chains® Hanging installation with one-sided U-profile and igus® e-chains® cover the area which the energy chain may sway.125 124 180° A B Z Y X We recommend locking mounting brackets for vertical hanging applications. Particularly in the area material flow technology, the igus® e-chain® enables bundled supply wide variety cable types.igus. you have choice, the layout in figure preferred. The use e-chain® ensures that individual cables are not entangled in parts shelves protruding pallets. NC version simply rotating the outer link at E4. When using guide, e-chain® with camber should selected. (No Camber, without pretension). The diagram shows the principle of such guidance. The cables and hoses must secured carefully to both end points the e-chain®.1it'seasytocreate aNC-version. The strain relief mustbedesignedsothattheoppositeruncannot catch