IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 633 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
150 | 2700R.igus. cable diameter 56mm Max.igus.igus. cable diameter 67mm Max.99 125 145 2.93 115 135 1. Systems this type should always designed conjunction with our engineering team. 150 | 2700R.85 This type system should designed conjunction with our engineering team.17 65 1.24 75 1. 150 | 2700R.125 125 150 200 | 3500R. 150 | 2700R.28 200 220 2.03 150 170 2.45 225 245 2.150 125 150 200*| 3500R.225 125 150 200 | 3500R.73 This type system should designed conjunction with our engineering team.eu/2700R www. 150 | 2700R.39 125 141 1... 42mm Links per metre links correspond to 15 pieces 1,005mm . *Radius available upon request. Systems this type should always designed conjunction with our engineering team. Please contact www.78 100 120 1.. 150 | 2700R. Available widths Available bend radii 50 1.200 125 150 200 | 3500R.250 125 150 200 | Ba Bi hi ha mm n/1m Ba Bi hi ha mm n/1m 45 45 More information www.62 175 194 1.59 250 270 2. Please contact www. 150 | 2700R.37 100 116 1..3500R 1263 3500R 1262 2700R 35 35 2700R Bi 2700R [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] 2700R.eu/contact All information this page for guidance only .igus.050 125 150 200 | 3500R. 32mm Links per metre links correspond to 18 pieces 1,008mm Inner height e-chain® Outer height e-chain® 45mm 64mm Pitch per e-chain® link Max. 150 | Bi 3500R [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] 3500R.100 125 150 200 | 3500R.075 125 150 200 | 3500R.igus.115 125 150 200 | 3500R.48 150 166 1.60 75 1. ≤32 mm 35 50 Installation dimensions overview ≤42 mm 45 64 Installation dimensions overview Mounting brackets Interior separation Guide troughs Pivoting KMA mounting bracket with attachment from any side Plastic mounting brackets with strain relief options Steel mounting brackets, pivoting, tough and electrically conductive Cable-friendly interior separations available Aluminium SuperTrough, basic version Mounting brackets Interior separation Guide troughs Pivoting KMA mounting bracket with attachment from any side Plastic mounting brackets with strain relief options Steel mounting brackets, pivoting, tough and electrically conductive Cable-friendly interior separations available Aluminium SuperTrough, basic version All information this page for guidance only .eu/3500R E2/000 Rol e-chains® 2700R Product range Travel lengths 150m energy-efficient and cost-effective E2/000 Rol e-chains® 3500R Product range Travel lengths 150m energy-efficient and cost-effective e-chains® Series 2700R Crossbars openable along the outer radius, from both sides e-chains® Series 3500R Crossbars openable along the outer radius, from both sides 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.17 175 195 2.eu/contact Inner height e-chain® Outer height e-chain® 35mm 50mm Pitch per e-chain® link Max.30 90 106 1.eu/E2000R Available widths Available bend radii 50 1.175 125 150 200 | 3500R