IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 631 z 723

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rolling speed 4m/s ● Available sizes ● Available cost-effective ready-to-fit harnessed system with many accessories ● Construction kit solution with guidelite-guiding trough for cost-effective and simple travel lengths 150m When use another e-chain® series: ● Very high fill weights for long travels E4/4HD heavy-duty, page 1214 ● When you want profile-rol e-chain® with which you can reduce energy consumption by 57% P4/P4.1 systems, page 1232 ● When you want self-guiding e-chain system® without any guide troughs autoglide, page 1264 rol e-chain® .1258 1259 E2/000 For travel lengths 150m, energy efficient and cost-effective Advantages E2/000 rol e-chain®: ● Required drive power reduced 75% while increasing the service life the e-chain® ● Low-noise operation the rol e-chain® link has the same pitch the standard e-chain® link ● Max