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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
262.99 – 100 124 2. 28mm Links per metre links correspond to 18 pieces 1,008mm Mounting brackets Interior separation Guide troughs Tough KMA mounting brackets for strong connection Cable-friendly interior separations available Heavy duty aluminium SuperTrough for high load applications Steel guide trough, very tough for heavy- duty applications *Radius not available for e-tubes. 2828R. 2828R.37 – 300 324 3. 2828R. 2828R.eu/role Inner height e-chain® Outer height e-chain® 32mm 54mm Pitch per e-chain® link Max. 7728R.83 108 132 2.95 – 375 399 4. 7728R.28 – 287 312 3.08 2.igus. 28.11 – 400 424 4.eu/7728R e-chains® Series 2828R Crossbars every link (crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) e-tubes Series 7728R Fully enclosed (lids openable along the outer radius, from one side) Role-chains® |Series2828R·7728R|Installationdimensions 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.43 312 337 3.65 – 200 224 2. 12. 7728R. 7728R. 2828R.29 – 150 174 2. 2828R.02 2.1)05. 7728R. 337.19 162 187 2. 2828R.20 3.63 68 1.74 3. cable diameter 56mm Max. 20. 2828R. 362. 07. 2828R.56 – 187 212 2.79 – 75 1. Ba Bi ha mm hi Rol e-chains® 2828R·7728R Product range Rolling instead gliding, travel lengths 250m More information www.18 – Installation dimensions overview ≤28 mm 32 54 . 2828R. 23. 2828R. 7728R.44 – 168 192 2. 7728R. 2828R.03 137 162 2. 387.94 112 137 2.77 – 350 374 3. 112..73 2. 2828R. 2828R. 2828R. 2828R. 162. 2828R. 137. Bi 2828R 7728R [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] 2828R. 2828R. 375. 2828R. 15. e-chains® e-tubes 50 1.igus.10 4..51 3.75 87 111 1.59 – 325 349 3.1247 2828R 7728R 1246 2828R 7728R 32 32 2828R 7728R Bi 2828R 7728R [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] 2828R. 187.39 175 199 2. All information this page for guidance only .59 Part No.05 – 250 274 3. 2828R.38 3.86 – 362 387 3.eu/2828R www. 2828R.93 – 97 120 1. 7728R. 2828R. 17.19 – 275 299 3.eu/contact Part No. 237.46 4.92 – 237 262 3.68 – 337 362 3.04 – 387 412 4. 400.84 2. 2828R. Please contact www. 325. 29. 10. 7728R. 2828R. 25.04 262 286 3.1) Lid removable only, hinged option Available bend radii [mm] 125* 150 175 200 220 250 300 | This type system should designed conjunction with our engineering team. 2828R.87 – 225 249 2. 2828R. 06. 350. 212. 2828R. 097. e-chains® e-tubes 212 237 2.15 – 125 149 2. 30. 312. 11.igus.igus. 18. 2828R. Systems this type should always designed conjunction with our engineering team. 087. 7728R. 2828R. 2828R