IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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20 150 175 200 250 | P4.47 This type system should designed conjunction with our engineering team.eu/P4. 38mm Links per metre links correspond to 15 pieces 1,005mm Mounting brackets Interior separation Guide troughs Tough, pivoting steel mounting brackets for strong connection Cable-friendly interior separations available Special aluminium guide trough system available Mounting brackets Interior separation Guide troughs Tough, pivoting steel mounting brackets for strong connection Cable-friendly interior separations available Special aluminium guide trough system available All information this page for guidance only .42.42 Product range Low noise, abrasion-resistant for travel lengths 600m 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.eu/contact ≤29 mm 32 54 2 x 54 + 3 ≤38 mm 42 64 2 x 64 + 3 Installation dimensions overview Installation dimensions overview . cable diameter 56mm Max. 29mm Links per metre links correspond to 18 pieces 1,008mm Inner height e-chain® Outer height e-chain® 42mm 64mm Pitch per e-chain® link Max.. Available widths Available bend radii 100 154 3.eu/contact All information this page for guidance only . Systems this type should always designed conjunction with our engineering team.15 100 125 150 200 250 | P4. cable diameter 67mm Max..95 150 202 4.igus.igus.04 200 232 3.66 This type system should designed conjunction with our engineering team.. Systems this type should always designed conjunction with our engineering team.42 Bi P4. Please contact www.15 150 175 200 250 | P4.42 SeriesP4.32 P4.10 150 175 200 250 | P4. Please contact www.32|Crossbarseverylink(crossbarsremovablealongtheinnerandouterradius) SeriesP4.32.32 www.32.32 [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] P4.25 150 175 200 250 | Bi P4.32.igus. Inner height e-chain® Outer height e-chain® 32mm 54mm Pitch per e-chain® link Max.42.igus.42 [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] P4.34 250 282 3..32.22 200 254 4.42.eu/P4.42|Crossbarseverylink(crossbarsremovablealongtheinnerandouterradius) System Series P4.10 100 125 150 200 250 | P4.igus.32 Product range Low noise, abrasion-resistant for travel lengths 500m More information www.eu/P4 Available widths Available bend radii 100 132 2.20 100 125 150 200 250 | Ba Bi Ba 6 hi ha mm n/1m Ba Bi Ba 6 hi ha mm n/1m System Series P4.42 1237 P4.32 P4.71 150 182 3.42 1236 P4