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6.S 430 490. They can positioned precisely and then locked position.igus.eu/E4HD E4/4HD Series 4040HD·8840HD Application example World record application 615m travel operation since 2008 without failure. Roller separator* The roller separator used similar way the rollclip. Simply clamps onto the opening crossbar.6 56. 450.40/16 2 12 27 405 415 4 22.27 56.eu/roller-crossbar E4/4HD Series 4040HD Accessories More interior separation options Only for e-chains® Note: Please aware the minimum lateral gap the side links! e-tube: 40mm e-chain®: 16mm As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Notchlockingseparator*forincreasedholding force Notch locking separators offer higher crossbar opening forces for high humidity and/or large hydraulic hoses.igus.27 4040HD 8840HD 4040HD 8840HD More information www. *Only suitable for e-chains® Rollclip*, for e-chains® unassembled assembled Partial height separator*, for e-chains® unassembled assembled Notch locking separator*, lockable for e-chains® unassembled assembled Roller separator*, for e-chains® unassembled assembled .eu/4040HD www.1225 1224 415 450. For rigid cables and hoses.5 56.Bi.Bi.1 5 56 min. Rollclip* Minimises abrasion sensitive hoses.6.eu/8840HD CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.igus. The movable rollers compensate for relative movement between the e-chain® and hose. It is used like separator.27 490. addition the motor, control and data cables, a water hose routed the e-chain® the E4/4HD system (shown right the e-chain®) Rollercrossbars-increasetheservicelifeofcablesandhoses ● Significantlyreducejacketabrasionofverystiffcablesandhoseswithrollingcontact surfaces equipped with tribo-optimised bearings ● For sensitive hoses restricted space ● Usable along the inner and/or outer radius, retrofit possible More information www.S, provides the option separate the upper and lower halves the e-chain® independently each other. Partial height separator* In conjunction with additional opening crossbar, part no.1 9 18 9 18 9 18 429 430 9 27 489.igus