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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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25. R.93 112 166 5. 8840HD. 37. R.0 4040HD.0 4040HD. R. R. In case travels under 10m recommend unsupported e-chain®. R. 20.69 – 150 204 5.igus.0 4.19 5.0 4040HD. 07.57 – 537 591 8.38 – 387 441 7. Moving end Fixed end 354 384 484 584 684 784 884 314 329 379 429 479 529 579 610 655 815 970 1,125 1,285 1,440 The required clearance height: 50mm (with 3. e-chains® e-tubes 312 366 6.0 4040HD.67 162 216 5.0 3. 31. R.38 362 416 7. R. 51. R.0 12 D H H S/2 S H F = H R - 84 91 84 + 50 Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi 56 84 50 max. R. R.0 6. R.0 20 30 40 50 85 60 65 75 10 0 1.08 – 600 654 9. 52.0 4040HD.36 5. 18.0 4040HD.0 4040HD.0 4040HD.0 4040HD. 17. 27. 38. 41.0 4. 47.73 6. R.68 Part No.0 4040HD.0 1. 350m Note:We recommend the project planning such system carried out igus®.28 – 375 429 7. R.0 R [mm] 135* 150 200 250 300 350 400 | 1392 1323 S/2 S D2 K2 S/2 H Ri H 2 LK S/2 K2 R FLG FLB 0 0.0 6.0 4040HD.94 – 325 379 7.76 10.0 8. R. 8840HD.82 – 450 504 8. 42.38 412 466 7.igus. 32. R. R.38 287 341 6. 35.0 2. R. 8840HD.igus.0 4040HD.01) 4040HD. R. 8840HD.30. R.0 4040HD. 50.02 262 316 6.0 4040HD.21 – 225 279 6.0 4040HD.0 4040HD. 13.0 Part No. R. R. R. 48. 06. R.eu/4040HD www.eu/E4HD 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 390 450 710 920 1,180 1,440 1,530 728 819 1,274 1,638 2,002 2,366 2,548 124 159 359 509 709 909 959 * Radius not available for e-tubes. *Radius not available for e-tubes. R.0 4040HD.29 212 266 6. 33.10 10. 45.0 4040HD.0 4040HD.98 – 437 491 7. 30.0 4040HD.39 – 500 554 8. 8840HD.0 Bi 4040HD 8840HD [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] 4040HD. 8840HD.03 – 65 119 5. 12.0 4040HD.0 4040HD.5 1.0 4040HD.59 – 275 329 6.85 475 529 8.15 – 462 516 8. 43. 23. Example: 4040HD. 46.0 4040HD. R.98 187 241 6. R. R.0 4040HD. 22. 05. R.05 – 337 391 7. e-chains® e-tubes 50 104 5.39 – 250 304 6.49 – 400 454 7. 55. 60.48 – 125 179 5.0 4040HD. R. 36.56 6.0 4040HD.001 e-chain® length .66 – 550 604 9.0kg/m fill weight) *Radius not available for e-tubes Fill weight [kg/m] Total length guide trough Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] = Offset fixed end ≤50 mm 56 84 Inner height [mm] 56 Pitch [mm/link] 91 Links/m corresponds [mm] 11 1. R. 8840HD. 26.0 0 2.97 6. R. 8840HD.5 2. 40. 08.64 87 141 5. R.0 4040HD.0 5. R.14 – 487 541 8. R.0 4040HD.50 8.29 137 191 5.0 4040HD.17 – 350 404 7.44 – 525 579 8.1221 4040HD 8840HD 1220 4040HD 8840HD 56 56-600 4040HD 8840HD Bi 4040HD 8840HD [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] 4040HD. 8840HD.12 – 75 129 5.0 8.27 – 100 154 5.0 4040HD. 13 R 135* 150 200 250 300 350 400 H D K LK = S/2 K R 135* 150 200 250 300 350 400 H2 D2 K2 CL E4/4HD 4040HD·8840HD Product range Heavy-duty, high fill weights for long travels More information www.14 7. 15. R.68 – 425 479 7. R.300.0 4040HD. 8840HD.0 4040HD.0 4040HD.28 – 237 291 6. 11. 28. 21. 1)Lid removable only, hinged option Available bend radii Complete Part No. 16. R. R.39 – 512 566 8.37 9.eu/8840HD e-chains® Series 4040HD Crossbars every link(crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) e-tubes Series 8840HD Fully enclosed (lids openable along the outer radius, from one side) 4040HD·8840HD Installation dimensions Unsupported applications Short travels 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. R.70 8. 10.31 – Moving end Fixed end Guide trough without glide bar Guide trough with glide bar Gliding applications Travel lengths max.0 4040HD.0 4040HD. 8840HD.91 8.75 – 300 354 6. with required radius (R).0 4040HD. 53. R. 8840HD. R.0 4.0 4040HD.09 – 200 254 6. R.0 4040HD.84 – 175 229 5