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038. E4. Unsupported lower run e-chains® without support along the lower run have restricted use. Many material options are feasible: metals, polymers, stone, wood, concrete, glass, etc. such cases, locking mounting brackets keep the e-chain® under the measurement.119 118 E61.Thetablebelowbrieflyillustrates thedifferencesinnoiselevelamongvariouse-chains®.10. Max.29* E6.22. v peak a max. is crucial determine whether the application will be designed unsupported straight FLG or unsupported, with sag FLB.1 221 E4/00 7 5 0 10 0 6 5 15 8 0 10 0 15 5 15 20 FLU 7 5 0 10 0 6 5 15 8 0 10 0 15 5 15 20 FLG FLB [m/s] 3 [m/s] – [m/s2] 200 6 [m/s2] 784 – FLU = Acceleration [m/s2] Strokes [million] Standard values service life for FLG, depending acceleration Standard values service life for FLB, depending acceleration Strokes [million] We recommend pivoting mounting brackets as standard for unsupported applications.0m/s Chain third-party product dB(A) 2. E3 38dB(A)* Long-term tests the igus® acoustic laboratory showed value only 38dB(A)*fortheE3.5m/s Chain third-party product dB(A) 2. The value FLU usually must be determined test igus®.10. .29.igus. E6 46dB(A) AmeasurementconductedbytheRhinelandTechnicalInspectionAuthority (TÜV Rheinland) May 2002 indicated value 46dB(A) 2m/s and with unsupported length 1. The guideline values that result from continuous experiments the igus® laboratory and countless practical applications can be obtained from the two diagrams for your design.1 T3. Special, optional noise dampeners greatly attenuate rolling noise. wide range configurations available, the drawings the right demonstrate.0.Inadditiontothee-chain®,therunningsurface, the dynamics and the cable and hose package play role overall noise generation.044. T3 33dB(A)* The T-shaped band chain was measured with value only 33dB(A)* at 1.8m/s and acceleration 3m/s2. the lower run the e-chain® cannot be supported over the whole travel, please consult igus®. Mounting brackets We recommend pivoting mounting brackets standard for unsupported applications.29* T3 E3. Optional noise dampeners greatly attenuate rolling noise. values for acceleration (a), speed (v)and service life are achieved only with e-chains® incorporating the FLG design.22* E3 E6.5m with series E6.igus.0m/s ≈ dB(A) 1.200.0 series indicated value 46dB(A) 1.42 series the igus® acoustic laboratory indicated value 46dB(A)* 1.060. igus® e-chain systems® can sustain very high loads.0m/s ≈ 38dB(A) 1. Use the quietest e-chain system® for your application Different surfaces and support trays are possible Speed, acceleration and service life For unsupported applications, the acceleration (a) the more critical parameter than the speed (v). date, peak acceleration of 784m/s2 has been achieved during continuous use. Pivoting mounting brackets compensate for the camber, can installed more easily and decrease the load the first e-chain® link operation.1 32dB(A)* A value 32dB(A)* was measured during the igus® internal test 4479 for the series E61. Our tests confirm that these standard values apply all igus® e-chains® and e-tubes. This a particular issue the e-chain® already has a sag greater than the FLG value.0.0m/s the igus® laboratory for the series T3.0seriesaccordingtoDIN45635measured at speed 1. More information www.42* E4.52.0m/s Chain third-party product dB(A) 2.070.29. FLG service life Z FLB service life Z Acceleration [m/s2] Unsupported Noise-optimised We have received official certificatefromtheRhineland Technical Inspection Authority (TÜV Rheinland Berlin-Brandenburg)andwe are able provide you with a copy upon request Minimise noise levels with igus® e-chain systems® Theigus® productrangeincludese-chains® optimisedforlownoise.52 E6 ES4. The quieter operation than the standard E6 system due very small pitch and brake the stop dog system.0m/s with unsupported length.eu Unsupported lower run Unsupported v max. Selected noise tests external noise corrected measurement values 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 with unsupported length. Have our specialists design the quietest e-chain system® for your application, for example. Exception: the acceleration greater than 20m/s2 the height limited the measurement.050. also have solutions minimise the noise generated the e-chain® lower portion.055. When selectingtherunningsurface,pleaseensurethatdirtanddebriscannotcollectinthee-chain® path. High acceleration can cause the e-chain® to vibrate and reduce its service life.0m/s with unsupported length. a peak Standard value FLG service life: million cycles e-chain® series System Averaging the corrected sound pressure levels Test method unsupported ≈ 32dB(A) 1. The combination of fill weight, e-chain® type and FLU always different.100.0m/s 33dB(A) 1. The maximum permissible amount the projection depends on the fill weight, the selected e-chain®, the dynamics, and other factors.8m/s ≈ dB(A) 2. recommend locking mounting brackets as standard speeds 20m/s or accelerations 20m/s2 Standard values of maximal speed and acceleration We offer numerous e-chains® optimised for low noise. E4/00 46dB(A) A measurement conducted TÜV Rheinland for the 221.eu Unsupported Short travels Contact surfaces Unsupported igus® e-chains® normally require some type surface which the lower portion of the e-chain® runs.0m/s ≈ dB(A) 1.1 46dB(A)* A measurement for the ES4.0m/s Source: TÜV Rheinland *Internal test the igus® laboratory, Cologne E6