IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 6 z 723

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Standard plus Consists e-chain® equipped with electrical cables, pneumatic and hydraulic hoses and sensor systems including connectors and mounting metalwork. Customers can dispense with their own storage space for e-chains®, cables and connectors, saving time and space for internal logistics and for assembly and installation their energy supply system. Standard Consists e-chain® equipped with electrical cables, pneumatic and hydraulic hoses and sensor systems including connectors. The ready-made modules reduce process costs for our customers 80% and dramatically increase throughput. achieve this, supply the systems worldwide from assembly and logistics centres.eu/readychain .igus. ● Harnessing time reduced 95% ● Reduction manufacturing costs ● Minimal amount logistics work storage space necessary ● Procurement optimisation one system, one part number ● Reduceassemblytime-lessmachinedowntime ● Installation the spot international service with subsidiaries ● Specialdesignsarepossible-igus® isdeveloping further components Basic Consists e-chain® equipped with electrical cables, pneumatic and hydraulic hoses without plug connections.9 Ready-to-install e-chain systems®: reduce assembly and harnessing time 95% Ready-made energy supply systems are developed, fitted with connectors and delivered ready fit your machine. readychain® www. Premium Consists energy chain equipped with electrical cables, pneumatic and hydraulic hoses and sensor systems including connectors well transport and assembly rack. Machine downtime is also minimised