IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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1159 1158 e-loop® Advantages e-loop®: ● The e-loop® alternative the service loop available as dynamic version with crossbars every link and as a static version with crossbars every 2nd link ● Dynamic e-loop®: for all moving applications, e. top drive systems ● Static e-loop®: for purely static cable guidance.igus. oil rigs ● Modular system, easy open ● Offers operational reliability due locking tension all bolted connections ● optional "drop safe" version also available, with additional screw locking ● Maximum cable hose diameters: 108mm ● Protects against impact due robust outer body ● Dirt and weather-resistant ● Easy maintenance ● Robust mounting brackets hook flange solution for quick and easy installation ● All components are individually replaceable ● Cable-friendly 4-chamber design interior separation When use another system: ● The offshore e-chain® (OSC) also suitable for extremely high loads that have guided vertically www.eu/industries-offshore-e-chain Solutions for vertical motion Safe cable guidance for hanging applications- e-loop® .g. Offers the opportunity to combine large cable packages single unit, e.g