IGUS (en)

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This formula valid the fixed end outside the centre the travel. The camber allows for longer unsupported lengths and increases service life and operating safety. No Camber Special "NC" e-chains® with camber alsoavailable. Pre-load The largest possible unsupported length influenced the design, material and camber. Exceptions: circular movements and most long travels. Please consult igus®.113 112 = ] ∆M [mm] a [m/s2] AR [mm] Ba [mm] Bi [mm] BRa [mm] BRi [mm] D [mm] D2 [mm] FLB [m] FLG [m] FLU [m] FZmax [kg/m] H [mm] H2 [mm] ha [mm] HF [mm] hi [mm] HRa [mm] HRi [mm] IR [mm] K [mm] K2 [mm] LK [mm] n [1] nMon [1] nRi [1] R [mm] RBR [mm] S [mm] S/2 [mm] T [mm] v [m/s] X1 [mm] X2 [mm] CL [mm] S/2 S/2 S ∆M S/2 S/2 S R R H F H S/2 S/2 S ∆M S/2 S/2 S R R SFLB FLB SFLG FLG BRi 4 HRi ha K T) LK S/2 K LK S/2 [m] LK S/2 [m] K T) LK = S = S/2 = R = ∆M = K = T = H = HF = More information www.igus. All igus® e-chains® are manufactured with camber.eu Unsupported Gliding Hanging Standing Zig-zag Side-mounted Circularmovement Horizontal and vertical application Nested Applications side side Combined motion Calculation maximum travel length, unsupported with sag Calculation maximum travel length, unsupported straight Minimum guide trough width Minimum guide trough height for gliding applications Add-on for bend radius e-chain® length, fixed end outside the centre travel (FLG, FLB and ΔM) e-chain® length, for all types applications, fixed end the centre travel, - except circular movements and most long travels e-chain® length for long travels, fixed end the centre travel Length e-chain® Travel Half length travel Bend radius Deviation the centre point Add-on for bend radius e-chains® pitch (K taken from the data tables of the individual igus ® series) Nominal clearance height Required clearance height Angle rotation Deviation the centre point Acceleration Outer radius, e-chain® (twisterchain) Outer e-chain® width Inner e-chain® width Guide trough outer width Guide trough inner width Over length e-chain® radius final position Over length for long travels gliding Unsupported length with sag Unsupported straight length Unsupported lower run Maximum fill weight Nominal clearance height Clearance height with lowered moving end Outer e-chain® height Required clearance height Inner e-chain® height Outer trough height Inner trough height Inner radius, e-chain® (twisterchain) Add-on for bend radius taken from the data tables the individual series) Add-on for bend radius the mounting point lowered(for long travels) e-chain® length Number links Number installation sets (left/right) Number trough sets (left/right) Bend radius Reverse Bend Radius Travel Half length travel e-chains® pitch Speed Inner machine limit (twisterchain) Outer radius e-chain®, including clearance (twisterchain) Offset fixed end Application icons . the installation dimensions section each respective e-chain® description, you will find the measurement HF, which specifies the necessary clearance height, taking the camber into account. Placing the fixed end the centre the travel is the most cost-effective solution because requires the shortest e-chain®, cables and hoses. Find values for the necessaryclearanceheight HF each product page 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.Pleaseconsult igus®. Upon request, can deliver e-chains® without camber for restricted space applications however, these camber e-chains® not have the same load- bearing capacity.eu Calculation the e-chain® length If the fixed end the e-chain® located the centre the travel, the e-chain® length is calculated using half the length travel and adding the value for the bend radius. Camber the curve the upper run along its unsupported length. You can obtain the value from the tables the catalogue.igus. igus® terms Alphabetical order Calculation e-chain® length and camber The fixed end the centre of the travel the most cost-effective solution Short cuts and description igus® formulae This formula generally valid for all types applications if the fixed end the centre the travel. Principle camber for igus® e-chains® required installation height The necessary clearance height depends the camber the e-chain®