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0 SPHD1.3 21.0 SPHD1. Part No.2 SPHD2. For vertical downwards, please use the version.1 21.1 2.2 TB29.850.2.L.L.L. Interior separation for E2/000 e-chains® Standard for any application Separator with wide base for maximum holding force.0 SPHD2. .2 TB30.44.5 10 21.2 10 2.0 Maximum cable hose diameters: 17mm The max.22. e-spool® with 1 twisterband, extension left Travel length 75 52. select the right system, please get touch with igus®.0 SPHD1. The separators provide clear, cable-friendly interior separation.600.0 SPHD2. e-spool® with 2 twisterbands, extension right Part No.700.R. e-spool® with 1 twisterband, extension right Part No.5 3 21.600.75.3. E2/000 interior separation lateral gap side links necessary.1 21.4000.27.03.22 unassembled e-spool® standard and HD 2 twisterbands Drum diameter ø Max.1 21.L.14000.700.eu/e-spool Illustration shows e-spool® with and twisterbands 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Interior separation for twisterband Separators for installation simply open the e-chain®, insert a cable and press the separator onto the crossbar.0 1142 1143 21. extension length Version number Extension L Standard colour black HD system with two twisterbands with 850mm drum diameter, and 14,000mm maximum extension length, extension right Order key - e-spool® HD Theatre, stage and lighting technology: the standard e-spool® not accordance with the DIN 17206 guidelines for stage and theatre operations.eu/e-spool e-spool® standard and e-spool® Accessories Interior separation e-spool® HD Part No.03.0 125 64.igus.0 SPHD2.700.850. bend radii 44mm the inner radius and 77mm the outer radius should observed.2 75 56. For even faster installation Wide one side for high holding force, narrow opposite side for easy cable fitting.14000.SP1 [mm] [mm] [m] [kg] SPHD1.700. 21. Simply pushed onto the openable crossbar.0 SPHD1.2 TB30.850.7000.600.5 75 67.03.14000. twisterband interior separation separators are delivered unassembled.R.2 18 22 22 21. For horizontal pull-out direction, the choice system depends the application.5 5 21.03.2 9 2 TB30.14000.0 Maximum cable hose diameters: 17mm The max.1 21.3.R.R.3 2.18.L. Separators are assembled every 4th e-chain® link.600.7000.850.2.22. e-spool® with 2 twisterbands, extension left Travel length 125 59. Separators are assembled every 5th e-chain® link. e-spool® With e-chain® and twisterbands e-spool® Series SPHD1·SPHD2 Product range Reduce cable wear and reliably guide different media together one system More information www.igus.14000.03.03.L.75.1 21 TB20.R. bend radii 44mm the inner radius and 77mm the outer radius should observed.0 SPHD2. For large number thin cables Separator with narrow base for large number thin cables side side.R.22 TB30. Separator, narrow top unassembled assembled Standard separator, wide base unassembled assembled Separator, narrow unassembled assembled Separator, for TB30.1.03. you have questions, please contact your sales representative.0 Note: the e-chain® extension vertically upwards, igus® recommends the standard e-spool®.0 SPHD2.850.7000.22 TB30.0 SPHD1.18 TB20.0 Bi SP2 [mm] [mm] [m] [kg] SPHD2.4000.4000.R.22.0 125 74.7000.1 TB20. Saves space