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600.igus.400.6 7 700 11. 1132 SPF. SP2.6 4 400 6. SPHD2. 1141 SP1.eu/e-spool e-spool® Introduction Advantages 1129 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. 1132 SPF.700. SPHD2. SP2. Travel length Drum Cable length Page Version Series e-spool® compact compact, space-saving 2 240 4. The twisterband connects the roller with the shaft end block, serving as an interface the supply side cables.700.9 e-spool® HD flexible use, with increased retraction force (Illustration shows e-spool® with twisterband HD) 4 600 8. 1136 SPHD1.0 continuous panel feed 15 10 5 e-spool® Part No. 1142 1144 1128 Routing many different cables small space: e-spool® uniquely combines two different energy supply systems. 1136 SP1.600. 1136 SPC1. 1142 SPHD1. with 2 twisterbands Travel length Drum Cable length Page e-spool® standard flexible use(Illustration shows e-spool® with twisterband) 4 600 8. Extension length Page Version Series e-spool® flex 2.igus. with 1 twisterband Part No.6 7 700 11.0 4 400 6.08.400.3 e-spool® options Part No.240.850. Please contact www.300.eu/contact . This makes data transmission highly reliable, while enabling high degree flexibility the same time.eu/e-spool Available from stock. The one standard e-chain® guided roller and always provides the correct length and tension of the energy supply system through integrated retaining spring. 1138 ≤ [m] [mm] [m] SP1. Different media and cable/hose diameters can carried side side one drum (diameters 17mm) ● tensile strain the cables ● Energy supply possible all directions (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) ● Space-saving when e-chain® rolled into the home position, paths remain free ● Cables can retrospectively added changed ● Alternative zig-zag solutions ● Maximum extension and retraction speed 1m/s ● Large standard product range and special projects available Typical industries and applications ● Telescopic/retracting applications Theatre, stage and lighting technology Space-saving alternative to zig-zag solutions The cable reel without slip ring - igus® e-spool® More information www. SP2.600.7 14 850 19. With twisterband slip ring needed.250.igus.600.850.250. 1141 SP1. 1132 ≤ [m] [mm] [m] SP1.850. 1142 SPHD1.6 e-spool® for manual operation for applications where only one cable hose pulled out manually 5 300 3.250. e-spool® Selection table igus® project upon request e-spool® Part No.700.850. Ready ship business days* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.15.3 8.700.7 14 850 19. the starting position, the e-chain® is rolled completely save space.9 e-spool® power motor-driven, for long extension lengths e-spool® power upon request upon request Systems this type should designed conjunction with our engineering team.[m] SPF.11. SPHD2. 1141 SPHD1