IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 562 z 723

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135.igus.44.75. Simply push onto the openable crossbar.18.2 TB42.eu/twisterbandHD Easy opening and filling the twisterband with click with the "easy" design.5 ø75 3 ø6.22 TBHD42.2 9 2 TB30.2 TB30. twisterband Accessories Interior separation for twisterband HD Separators are delivered unassembled.18 TBHD42.30 22 30 1121 TB42.5 ø130 4 ø6.30 More information www. 4 x 90° 4 ø6.90° 4 ø6,5 ø450 ø90 ø500 1120 TB30.30 unassembled Separator, for TB30. Simply press separators and add more cables.igus.5 ø32 ø51 ø150 TBHD12.5 ø60 ø90 ø330 ø50 ø220 TBHD30. The separators provide clear, cable-friendly interior separation. unassembled igus® twisterband and other e-chains® wood working machine twisterband HD twisterband HD twisterband Accessories Steel base plate dimensions Base plates are delivered standard and are part the twisterband module! .30.2 10 3 TB42.22.8 ø54 ø75 TBHD20.24. 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.2 TB20. Then add more cables.30.eu/twisterband Separator, for TB42.2 90° 90° 4 ø6. The separators provide clear, cable-friendly interior separation.2 TBHD30. Separators To fit, simply open the e-chain®, insert cable and press the separator onto the crossbar.22 90° 120° 2 ø0