IGUS (en)

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 559 z 723

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* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched. .9.igus.0* TB30.01.g.0 TB20.6.0 TB12: XXXX° 360 + 1200° 360 + = TB20: XXXX° 340 + 1200° 340 + = TB29: XXXX° 180 + 720° 180 + = TB30: XXXX° 180 + 1200° 180 + = Base plate with strain relief** Bands can be lengthened and shortened as required Base plate with strain relief** 4 sizes available Some parts available with interior separation Openable with film hinge or openable "easy" design **Base plates are delivered as standard part the twisterband module! Up 7,000°* rotary movements in small spaces - twisterband With the compact igus® twisterband rotations can achieved cost-effectively and with low wear and low maintenance, even confined spaces. .0 TB20. . .01. . Available 5 sizes.18.12. blade adjustment) ●Wherever rotary unions are used *Rotary movements 3,600° can ordered from stock. .0 TB29. . rotary movement max.0 Calculation: number strips depends angle rotation (please always round number strips) Example: Result: strips Example: Result: strips Example: Result: strips Example: Result: strips XXXX° Angle rotation twisterband .44.22.01. Ready ship 48hrs. .eu/twisterband Available from stock. twisterband (7,000° rotation) Advantages More information www. twisterband Opening principle 23 140 "easy" design 44 220 "easy" design 44 220 lock 27 200 320 lock 75 330 lock More twisterband sizes upon request! *Note: Series TB29. .1114 X1 X2 ≥ R ≤ R 1115 9-22 Bi Bi hi hi ≤ d1 mm Bi1 d1 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] TB12.27.22. 720° Base plates are delivered standard and are part the twisterband module! X1 inner machine installation space outer machine installation space Complete Part No. Above 3,600°, please contact igus®. Energy, data and media are securely guided. . Example: TB20.eu/twisterband Part No.igus. with required number strips XX.22.01.02. twisterband Openable with film hinge with "easy" design Installation dimensions twisterband|Productrange|Installationdimensions e-chain® links strip 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.12.01. ● 7,000° rotation horizontally and 3,000° rotation vertically ● Rotary speeds 180°/s possible ● Compact, modular and light ● Strips can shortened required ● Minimum installation spaces, fits tightly around the rotary axis ● Can used reliably various installation positions (horizontal, vertical, upside down) ● Cost-effective ● Easy filling ● Ideal combination with igus® chainflex® cables for rotary movements very limited installation spaces Typical industries and applications ● Cable reels Robots (robot arms, axis1/6, SCARA robots) Machine tools Medical equipment Radar and telescope equipment Aerospace, test, measurement, handling, lifting and installation equipment Wind turbines (e