IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 547 z 723

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250/650.12.0 = e-chain® openable along the inner radius, from both sides Bi 12mm inner width, 250mm bend radius / AR 650mm outer radius, colour black Technical data 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 TC5600. . 50mm clearance e-chain® height Add-on for bend radius Order example for complete e-chain® (1.0m) Please indicate e-chain® length odd* number links: 1.eu/twisterchain Machine twisterchain General information Upper limit Fixed end twisterchain general information Inthecaseofmachinesthattravelinacircularmovement both the left and the light, the total angle rotation is calculated adding the two angles.0m), colour black, with mounting brackets: e-chain® (1.eu/twisterchain Series Inner height Width index (depends Bi) Bend radius R Outer radius AR Standard colour black Order key twisterchain Technical data Order key TC56.VS.250/650.34.0m links + Mounting brackets set Order text: TC56.12.0 H F H T AR IR T K R X1 X2 IR AR ≥ 25 mm ≥ mm α AR= IR = R = X1 = X2 = T = hi = ha = α = HF = H = K = TC56.VS. Outer radius e-chain® Inner radius e-chain® Bend radius e-chain® Inner machine limit Outer machine limit Pitch Inner height e-chain® Outer height e-chain® Angle rotation e-chain® height incl.34.igus.12.1090 1091 TC56.12.250/650.250/650.igus. An outer side link should always the first link the moving end.E Speed acceleration upon request Material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C/+120°C Flammability class, igumid VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB Order example Order key *Important note: twisterchain e-chains® must always start and end outer side link (odd number links).0 TC5600.E 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 9 More information www