IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
.1090 1091 TC56.0 = e-chain® openable along the inner radius, from both sides Bi 12mm inner width, 250mm bend radius / AR 650mm outer radius, colour black Technical data 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.igus.34.250/650.0 TC5600.VS.250/650.0m), colour black, with mounting brackets: e-chain® (1.0 TC5600.12.12. 50mm clearance e-chain® height Add-on for bend radius Order example for complete e-chain® (1.E 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 9 More information www.VS.igus.12.0m) Please indicate e-chain® length odd* number links: 1.eu/twisterchain Series Inner height Width index (depends Bi) Bend radius R Outer radius AR Standard colour black Order key twisterchain Technical data Order key TC56.eu/twisterchain Machine twisterchain General information Upper limit Fixed end twisterchain general information Inthecaseofmachinesthattravelinacircularmovement both the left and the light, the total angle rotation is calculated adding the two angles.0m links + Mounting brackets set Order text: TC56.12.250/650.34.250/650. An outer side link should always the first link the moving end.0 H F H T AR IR T K R X1 X2 IR AR ≥ 25 mm ≥ mm α AR= IR = R = X1 = X2 = T = hi = ha = α = HF = H = K = TC56.E Speed acceleration upon request Material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C/+120°C Flammability class, igumid VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB Order example Order key *Important note: twisterchain e-chains® must always start and end outer side link (odd number links). Outer radius e-chain® Inner radius e-chain® Bend radius e-chain® Inner machine limit Outer machine limit Pitch Inner height e-chain® Outer height e-chain® Angle rotation e-chain® height incl