Whether light heavy fill weights,
longorshortrobotarms-withtheigus® RSP
retraction system the retraction force can be
adjusted the individual application.1018 1019
triflex® R
triflex® R
Double retraction
distance relative to
the overall length
Increased protection
against failure by
optional end position
Standard pneumatic
components for
easy integration
Open system, low
profile design
Custom connection
possibilities using
adapter consoles
compensation unit
for adjustable
retraction force
triflex® RSPpreventsloopsontherobothead,
with continuously adjustable retraction
force. The retraction
forces can adjusted using pneumatic
triflex® RSP retraction system Advantages
Pneumatic retraction system
triflex® RSP retraction system Application examples
RSP R(etraction) S(ystem) P(neumatic)
. Extension lengths 780mm
enable secure guidance the cables and
hoses, even with large arm diameters and
very complex movements.igus.igus.
● For axis 3-6 industrial robots
● Larger retraction forces than system
● Even larger e-chains® 125mm can
be guided safely
● Almost constant force over the complete
travel, even with heavy fill weights
● The end position can monitored so
damage can prevented
● Mountingoptionsfornumerousrobotmodels
and manufacturers with adapter consoles
● Verylowenergyconsumptionwithintegrated
air reservoir
system -
triflex® RSP
Up 780mm retraction length with
TRC, TRE and TRCF e-chains®
(please order matching e-chain® separately)
More information www.eu/triflex-RSP
triflex® RSP system
on axis robot
Pneumatic retraction system triflex®
RSP prevents loops forming
in the robot's working area
3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www