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Series Corrugatedtube nominalwidth Metric size[mm] Inner Outer Static Dynamic VE 29 29. cobot mounting brackets For UR- robot system Position 054 054 066 066 075 075 086 086 086 086 108 – – 110 Principle sketch Part No.916.0 72 UR URe ø [mm] [mm] TR.916.0 72 Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRE.058.810.40.0 34.810.110 UR10e A d1 [mm] [mm] [mm]* [mm]** [m] I-PIST-29B 50 triflex® Series TRC·TRE·TRL Accessories Cobot mounting brackets triflex® Series TRC·TRE·TRL Product range Cobot mounting brackets More information www.916.86 UR10 UR10e B TR.810.0.810.3 110 *Static minimum recommended bend radius for static (fixed) installation **Dynamic minimum recommended bend radius for dynamic (flexible) laying Part No.66 UR3 UR3e A TR.40.108 UR10 A TR.igus.916.916.810.058.110 UR10e A UR URe ø [mm] [mm] TR.86 UR5 UR5e A TR.916.9 For PMA hose I-PIST-29B Part No.40 TRE.916.eu/triflexR Overview triflex® e-chains® For TRC·TRE·TRL PMA hoses overview For PMAFLEX corrugated tubes triflex® R clip protector Bracket for triflex® Ø 40 with quick release For UR3, UR5, UR10, UR3e, UR5e and UR10e robots Certified by Suitable for highly flexible PMA corrugated tubes (optional) For robot arms with human-robot collaboration - HRC clamps Moving energy for cobots made easy.810.9 Series TRL light version the "easy"-design 15 058 13.54 UR3 UR3e B TR.810.916.916.86 UR5 UR5e A TR.108 UR10 A TR.triflex® triflex® R 1002 1003 Bi1 [mm] Bi2 Ba [mm] R [mm] d1 [mm] d2 [mm] [mm] [mm] Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRC.75 UR5 UR5e B TR.40.810.B 72 Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba TRL.igus.810.058.810.75 UR5 UR5e B TR.eu/HRC-brackets CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Energy can supplied safely along all axes thanks to clamping ring for the triflex® e-chains® of our robots, also for collaborative robots. Series Pitch Links per m Series TRC enclosed design 15 058 13.54 UR3 UR3e B TR.40 e-chains® Product range Suitable for PMA hose I-PIST-29B (optional) Principle sketch Part No.810.810.810.916. ● Plastic bracket ● Simple screw connection for attachment to the robot arm ● Bracket for triflex® with quick release ● Rounded MRK design ● For TRC, TRE and TRL e-chains® ● For and URe robot arms Product range Suitable for TRC.916.916. cobot mounting brackets For UR- robot system Position 054 054 066 066 075 075 086 086 086 086 108 – – 110 .810.40 TRL.66 UR3 UR3e A TR.916.86 UR10 UR10e B TR.9 Series TRE "easy" design 15 058 13.916