IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 49 z 723

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6 Find the perfect e-chain® quickly www.64.30/31.igus.10 E2.50.930 E2.38 2700 1371 GF95.28/E4.05 E2.930 E2.32 1378 92.48 3500 1383 95.38 2700 1371 9GL.38 2700 1371 GF95.igus.38 2700 1391 94 95 Technical details guidefast guidelite SP Legend Series / product Outer height zipper mini E2.450.32 1376 9GL.71 E2.09 E2.30/31.050 1500 1371 GF92.71 E2.26 2500/255 1389 93.025 1500 1371 GF91.30/31.64.34 E4.5 76.30/31.6 138.26 2500/255 1371 GF92.LLL E2.28/E4.30/31.3 Snap-in trough system simple and cost-effective For less demanding applications 55.70 92.26 2500/255 R58 1371 GF92.eu/finder www.07 E2.eu Other igus® guide trough systems Continued .50.1 Side part material Price index Page Aluminium Galvanised steel Stainlesssteeluponrequest Galvanised steel/polymer guidefast for crane girders and indoor cranes For crane girders and indoor cranes 61 61 75 75 75 75 75 105 105 105 guidelite travel lengths 150m, quick and cost-effective For less demanding applications 145 145 Tubular trough system lets light and swarf through For less demanding applications 90 146 126.26 E2.34 E4.XX E2.21/E4.48 2500 2700 3500 E4Q.70 95.48 3500 1390 95.05 E2.30/31.igus.26 2500/255 R68 1371 GF95.70 93.26 2500/255 1382 93.30/31.6 106.H Ra [mm] ● ❍ ■ ▲ GF91.21/E4.30/31.38 2700 1384 91.30/31.eu/the-chain CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.26 2500/255 R48 1371 GF92.10 E2.26 2500/255 1371 GF92.1 E2/000 e-tubes E4Q E4.71 E2.30/31.930 15/R15 10/B15 1388 92.930 E2.07 E2.03 E2.38 1500/ 2500 2700 3500 E4Q