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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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65.4 28 ø 20 ø 108 ø 100.70 1) Special size Part No.2 22.5 ø 108 ø 95 ø 135 ø 119 43.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.igus.5 11 ø 32. e-tubes Pitch Links per m Weight 22.10 22.85.4 15 ø12 ø 65 ø 60 23 ø15.5 30. 100.25 46.60 TRE.100 Ba TRLF. Ready ship 48hrs.igus.0 More information www.5 ø 81 ø 71.3 70.3 Ø36 ø 34.8 ø 108 ø 100 ø 25 37.85.125 mm mm2) TRE.7 ø 18.3 Ø41 Ø36 34. 135.2 ø 65 ø 16.5 43.30 TRC.0 100 44 TRCF.100 TRE.50 TRE.5 24 28 32. 200.40 Ba TRL.3 TRCF Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi Ba d1 d1 d1 Ba 978 972 973 TRCF Bi1 d1 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] TRCF.5 24 28 33 28 ø 94.5 ø 108 ø 96.igus.70 TRC.02) 240 33 TRCF.5 2.0 135 33 TRCF.240.2 23.65 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba 10 13 16.10 30 94.eu/triflexR R 200 240mm triflex® Series TRCF Advantages triflex® Series TRCF Product range Closed design, chip-resistant, quick filling .eu/TRCF Enclosed design with snap-lock mechanism - TRCF ● Snap-lock mechanism for fast opening to insert large cables hoses ● Snap lock mechanism openable with a screwdriver ● Defined minimum bend radius and torsion stop-dog for optimum cable protection ● Enclosed version, for use with dirt and chip exposure ● chamber design for ideal cable distribution and separation ● Easy lengthen and shorten Typical industries and applications ● Robotics and automation ● Painting applications ● Large hydraulic hoses ● Screw and rivet feeds ● Tool changer applications ● Robot for laser welding ● Robot for screw and rivet applications Available from stock.60 TRC.70 TRE.2 ø 62.8 16.40 TRC.40 TRC.3 ø 94.200.2 ø 65 ø 57 22.2 12.8 ø70.85.100.5 ø 45 ø 41.3 108 34.3 43.125 TRCF.100 TRL.5 32.2 ø 25 38 ø70.85 TRE.5 19.240.10 34.85.3 24.85 TRC.30 Ba TRL.2 ø 81 ø 75.5 ø 84.5 15 13 ø 43 ø 38 ø 54 ø 47.5 ø 21.5 12 10 ø 30.2 23.30 Baø TRL. TRCF.5 30.6 2.200.5 ø 83 37.85 TRLF.1 1.4 ø 94.eu/TRLFlip Special sizes with larger bend radius ● The large bend radii 200/240mm increase the service life laser light cables preventing kinks ● Special range accessories available ● Special sizes Part No.5 ø 28 34.100 Ba TRLF. 240.6 2.0 145 29 Flip open, insert cable, and closesnaplockmechanism- then ready run! Save time easy disassembly tool available for triflex® R Defined torsion stop, allows free movement any direction but still protects the cables High tensile strength thanks to special ball and socket design Small bend radii and short pitch 3-chamber design for interior separation Easy open for large, stiff hoses many cables TRCF enclosed design with snap- lock mechanism Easy assembly and disassembly - 4-piece, with openable lids Impact-resistant and dirt-resistant Mounting bracket with strain relief also available as intermediate bracket More information www. TRCF.145.3 70.7 18.01) 200 44 TRCF.50 TRE.65.10 30 94.0 with 240mm bend radius and range accessories 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.5 30 ø 24.0 and TRCF.65 TRC.85 TRL.70 TRCF.60 Ba Ba Ba Ba TRLF.65.9 32.5 ø 87.2 19. Snap-lock mechanism for fast opening, video online www.65.eu/TRCF e-tubes Series TRCF Fully enclosed design, with snap-lock mechanism Installation dimensions Part No.1 1.0 with 200mm bend radius and range accessories 2) Special size Part No.5 ø 135 ø 125 ø 31.100 TRC.125 mm2) TRE.igus. TRCF.TRCF