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Poznámky redaktora
85.5 108 35.5 ø 81 ø 71.145.2 ø 65 ø 57 22.38 433.27 15 13. 050.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.5 24 28 33 28 ø 94.100 Ba TRC.5 19.5 19.3 43.32 33 94.9 0. cable diameter 41mm.5 37.40. iF product design award 2004 igus® series TRC Electrically conductive ESD e-chains® - several series available from stock Defined torsion stop, allows free movement any direction but still protects the cables High tensile strength thanks to special ball and socket design Small bend radii and short pitch Impact-resistant, abrasion resistant and dirt-resistant TRC enclosed, chip-repellent design Easy assembly and disassembly High strength thanks to external stop-dogs Easy attachment and special accessories for the robot machine More information www.5 12 10 ø 30.igus. 058.60 TRE.eu/esd e-tubes Series TRC Totally enclosed, non-openable Installation dimensions Part No. 080.125.0 145 29 TRC.3 Ø41 Ø36 969 TRC Bi1 Bi2 d2 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] TRC.5 11.5 17.5 ø 108 ø 95 ø 135 ø 119 43.50 Ba TRE.3 Ø41 Ø36 ø 34.5 32. More information From page 142 1) TRE.59 22.5 17.30 Ba TRC.TRC.125 mm mm2) TRE.3 0.85 Ba TRC.40 Ba Ba TRC.85 TRE.0 110 39 TRC.37 18.40 TRC.5 24 28 33 28 ø 83 ø 94.5 20.5 20.75 37.50 TRE.60.eu/triflexR triflex® Series TRC Advantages triflex® Series TRC Product range Robotic applications, closed, chip-repellent ESD version (Electro Static Discharge) available from stock. 087.70 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.50. cable diameter changes 36mm when already populated e-chain needs shortened lengthened .5 15 13 ø 43 ø 38 ø 54 ø 47.6 1.igus. 135.70.60 Ba TRC.5 30.3 43.5 32.4 0.1 4.182.30. Max.7 18.0 058 72 TRC.5 ø 83 37.8 16.5 ø 81 ø 71.5 2.30 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba ø 34.5 ø 30. 135 411) 44.0 135 33 TRC.100 TRE. e-tubes Pitch Links per m Weight 12 34. 110.6 1.0 182 23 TRC Bi1 Ba Bi 1 Bi 2 d2 d1 d1 d2 Ba Bi2 Bi1 Bi2 d1 d2 Bi d1 d1 d1 Bi d1 d1 d1 Ba Ba 968 978 Available from stock.igus.eu/TRC Closed and chip- repellent TRC ● Secure, closed and chip-repellent energy supply for multi-axis movements ● Smooth, robust exterior avoids snagging ● High torsion resistance ● Easy lengthen and shorten Typical industries and applications ● Robotics and automation ● Multi-axis machine tools ● Wet and cold cells ● Painting applications and ESD ● Sand and dust exposure ESD many sizes from stock ● Standardised product made from igumid ESD ● ESD material tested with over million cycles for highest requirements ● Short delivery times including mounting brackets and interior separation; 24hrs, from stock More information and the complete product range From page 142 www.70 TRE.70 Ba TRC. Ready ship 48hrs.5 ø 43 ø 38 12 10 15 13 ø 54 ø 47.0 080 58 TRC.8 16.125 max.5 32.7 18.125 mm2) mm TRE.5 ø 108 ø 95 ø 135 ø 119 43.5 34.2 16.2 ø 65 ø 57 22.85 28 25.100.0 050 89 TRC.4 0.0 087 49 TRC.8 16. 433.5 30.5 19