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5 951 TH3.9 1.4 2.2 0.5/26 111 0.25 CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.8* 070 | TH3 Series TH3.8 070 | TH3.25.5 26 20.25.2 0.5/26 145 161 0.R.5/26.8 070 | TH3.5 26 20.5 - 41 41 100 / 120 56 Ba Bi Ba Bi LK = S/2 K R min.5/20.25.R.* 070 H D K Bi TH3.25 Size overview Inner height [mm] 25. Example: TH3.8* 070 | TH3.25.1 1.25 3-piece, hygienic design More information www.6 1.5 20.4 0.5 20.2/26.8 1.25 FLG 0 0.4/20 TH3.25.25.6 0.3 1.5/26 120 136 0.5 35 TH3 3-piece hygienic design e-chain® ● The TH3 e-chain® consists parts, the two side parts and one interior separation segment each ● The interior separation segments connect the side parts the e-chain® ● The segments are available different widths .5 1.3/26 TH3.4 1.0 D S/2 S H H H F = H + R 26.6 3.igus.4 mm ≤23.4kg/m fill weight) Interior separation segments series TH3.45.25 Installation dimensions Unsupported applications Short travels Unsupported length FLG [m] Travel [m] Moving end Fixed end ≤23.5 20.5/26 TH3.50 5-segment 26/20. Smallest possible radius 70mm 180 Required clearance height amounts to: 110 Travel distance 300m 280mm 240 Travel distance from 300 1,000mm 300mm The required clearance height 100 and accordingly 120 (with 0.0 2.5 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 950 TH3.eu/TH3.R.4 mm ≤18.eu/TH3 *Note: The bend radius depends the length the e-chain®.25.5/20.2 1.8 2.8 Fill weight [kg/m] TH3 Series TH3.0 1.25 Product range World's first hygienic design e-chain® e-chains® Series TH3. Complete Part No.5/20 26 26 20.45 3-segment 26/20.25 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] TH3.2/26 TH3.Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi hi ha ha hi hi TH3.2 1.8 1.5/20.6 0.45. Delivery time upon request.3/26.4 mm 25.7 0.6 0 1.54 *Width available upon request.25.070. e-chains® Chamber width Available bend radii 2-segment 26/26 0.0 0 0. with required radius (R).2 2.45.25 25.2/20 TH3.45.3/26.5 Pitch [mm/side link] 56 Side links/m corresponds [mm] 18 1,008 Links/side link 5 e-chain® length Segment design Part No.4/26 TH3.25.4/26.R.4 1.8 2.igus.4 1.3/20 TH3.47 4-segment 26/20