IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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2/26 TH3.25.4/20* 090 954 TH3.25.5/20 090 954 Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi Ba Bi hi ha ha hi hi TH3. The e-chain® is suitable for applications with the highest hygienic requirements for safe cable and hose guidance.3/20 090 954 TH3.5/20 26 26 20.4 3-segment 25. . Delivery time upon request.5 20.25.igus.4 5-segment 25.eu/TH3 Attachment from any side: polymer mounting brackets TH3 Introduction Advantages Food industry material: resistant detergents and chemicals Cable-friendly: due smooth, rounded contours Modular design: 4 different widths for interior separation, available inner heights No dead spaces: large gaps no material overlaps Hygienic design principle: FDA-compliant materials Easy clean: open design for effective and easy cleaning The first e-chain® designed according to hygienic principles TH3 igus® TH3 the world's first plastic e-chain® developed according Hygienic Design Guidelines.45.2/20 090 954 TH3.45.45.5 145 161 1.5 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 More information www.5 26 20.4/26* 070 950 TH3.2 2 120 140 1. Ready ship 72hrs.2 2 1.3/26 TH3.5 120 136 1.4/20 TH3. The blue material, which typical plastic parts the food industry, also highly resistant aggressive cleaning agents and chemicals.5 20.25.5 1.45.5 111 1.3/20 TH3.45. ● Choice inner heights and inner widths ● Interior separation segments separate the cables and hoses from each other to provide enough clearance for easy cleaning ● For plastic parts the food industry; the blue material FDA-compliant ● reddot award winner 2017 Typical industries and applications ●Packagingmachines● Foodandbeverage/ filling machines Wherever hygiene requirements are very high and cables and hoses have guided safely and securely 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. The open design the e-chain® very easy clean and, thanks to rounded corners and the absence bolted connections, dead spaces and the resulting germ formation are avoided.45.2/20 TH3.5/26* 070 950 TH3.igus.2 2 115 1.5 20.946 947 hi [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] TH3.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.45.25.2 2 145 165 1.25.5/26 TH3.4 4-segment 25.4/26 TH3.4 *Width available upon request.25.2/26 070 950 TH3.45.25.3/26 070 950 TH3.5 26 20.eu/TH3 Available from stock. TH3 Selection table Size overview Interior separation segments The material the igus® hygienic design e-chain® FDA and regulation-compliant Segment design Series Inner height Inner width Outer width Outer height Bend radius Unsupported length [m] Page System TH3 - hygienic design e-chain® 3-piece, hygienic design consisting of two side parts and interior separation segment 2-segment 25