IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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8 E3..5 + 12 10 + 20.00 Mounting angle an individual part Part No.65 ø4.060.12 E3.5 4.5 19.8 ø4.10.12 060.10.020 Tiewrap plate single part E3 Series E3.12 E3.10. As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Slotted separator Separatorscanbearrangedatanypositioninthechaincross section divide the interior the e-chain®.5 8. strain relief both ends 32 52 72 Slotted separator unassembled assembled Order example Full set width index Series Possible attachments options for assembled polymer mounting angles. 925 E3.10 E3.25 6 10 10 4 19.65 ø4.5 + 12 6 10 Ø 4.10.10 .5 8.eu/E3. E3.10 Accessories Interior separation No lateral gap side links necessary. E3..XXX. ▼ E3.A 2 2 +A4 olo T3 solo E3 AE version 01 E3 AE version 02 .8 ø4.11 10 Ba [mm] 020.12 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ø 4.020. full set Strain relief both ends + mounting angles* Part No.11 .5 12 3 17 10.040.10 E3 Series E3.10.12 2 5 E3.12 040. 2 tiewrap plates mounting angles Fixed end Moving end *Note: the mounting brackets are used, two links each end must added the calculated e-chain® length, because the first two links are fixed the mounting brackets.igus. 1 6 10 10 4 19.10. Mounting angle* (single part) Part No.10 E3.A2 . E3 e-chains® optional white colour; ideal for cleanroom and medical applications, available upon request 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.XXX.2 4.10. E3.5 12 3 17 10. ▼ E3.10. E3. Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) .100. ▼ E3.00 E3.A4 Part No.00 E3.igus.00.10 Accessories Mounting angle, polymer Locking More information www.10 ..10.924 E3.eu/E3 Width index Part No.060.01 E3.00 E3.4 + 20.4 10 14.12 E3. Part No..12 Full set with strain relief both ends.12 E3.2 10 14.10.040