IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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▼ E3.01 E3. E3.igus.2 E3. Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) .5 19.10. full set Strain relief both ends + mounting angles* Part No.11 .040.5 12 3 17 10.10.020 Tiewrap plate single part E3 Series E3. Part No.10 .10 .A2 . 2 tiewrap plates mounting angles Fixed end Moving end *Note: the mounting brackets are used, two links each end must added the calculated e-chain® length, because the first two links are fixed the mounting brackets.00 Mounting angle an individual part Part No.2 10 14.8 E3.924 E3.10.10 E3.060.A4 Part No.10.10.12 Ba Ba Ba Ba Ø 4.12 E3.25 6 10 10 4 19.12 2 5 E3..10.65 ø4.100.XXX.12 060.00 E3.XXX.10 Accessories Mounting angle, polymer Locking More information www.5 + 12 10 + 20.8 ø4. As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Slotted separator Separatorscanbearrangedatanypositioninthechaincross section divide the interior the e-chain®.12 040. strain relief both ends 32 52 72 Slotted separator unassembled assembled Order example Full set width index Series Possible attachments options for assembled polymer mounting angles.12 Full set with strain relief both ends.12 E3.65 ø4.5 4. E3.igus.25 925 E3.00 E3.10.10.5 8. ▼ E3..12 E3.eu/E3 Width index Part No.A 2 2 +A4 olo T3 solo E3 AE version 01 E3 AE version 02 .020.040. E3.10 Accessories Interior separation No lateral gap side links necessary.10 E3 Series E3.5 12 3 17 10.020.eu/E3.4 + 20.11 10 Ba [mm] 020.12 E3. E3 e-chains® optional white colour; ideal for cleanroom and medical applications, available upon request 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.10. Mounting angle* (single part) Part No.5 + 12 6 10 Ø 4. 1 6 10 10 4 19.5 8. E3.00.8 ø4. ▼ E3.060.00 E3..4 10 14