IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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80 915 E6.5m/s2 E6 Series E6.5 80 5 4,5 80 14 14 14 14 56 18 4 8 80.X 80. Note: Please combine maximum lean separators with one shelf. standard interior separation measured on long e-chain® fitted with cables the igus® lab Lean separator*1) unassembled assembled An igus® e-chain® from the range accelerates work processes the wafer-handling application chip production.eu/E6 E6 Applications igus® system guiding extraction hose speed 8m/s, acceleration 78. The easily supplies energy for wafer handling chip production requiring acceleration rates 4m/s2 and speeds 6m/s. Its low abrasion especially important because high degree purity critical chip production. Lean interior separation vs.80 Accessories Interior separation allow faster filling Note: Please aware the minimum lateral gap the side links! e-chain®: =16mm As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Lean separators*1) For quick fitting shelves several layers.1 More information www.igus.igus.1 min.914 E6.eu/E6.80 521.12. The cleanroom-compatible and has Fraunhofer IPA certification .12 80.12.80 CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.16 5 4. Not suitable for side-mounted e-chains®! *Only suitable for e-chains® With the lean separator you can quickly insert several layers of cables into the e-chain® and reduce the installation time by up 50%2)