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Bi E6.52 R6.11 More information www.4.X R6.igus.Bi E6.52.52.52 E6 e-tubes R6.5 min.29 Note: Please aware the minimum lateral gap the side links! e-tubes: 20mm As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Separator for e-tubes Notches the separator indicate the clamping side the separator.898 898 E6.52 R6.Bi E6.igus.52. E6 Application example Pre-assembled energy supply systems significantly reduce assembly times.52.52.52 382213 215.525.1 E6.1 38226 225.20 52 52 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 52 16 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 899 E6.11 13.X 38224 2210.eu/R6.52 Accessories Interior separation Only for e-tubes(e-chains® previous page) Previous generation interior separation with other options www.igus.52 3 16 3 16 10 R6.1.X 382215 38222 52. The notches this separator mark the side that fixes the lid.eu/E6.526.01 R6. cleanroom compatibility required this positioning system, cleaning protocol provided with each pre-harnessed e-chain system® 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.eu/R6.52 www.09 38226 38229 321.eu/E6 Separator, for e-tubes unassembled assembled .2.igus.1 2310