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5 2 38 2.1 111.eu/eskin-quickfill .1. The wear-optimised, ring-shaped interior separation installed every 112mm the connecting points! Vertical separation slotted separators The interior separation* system for the igus® e-skin® consists of individual separators and full-width shelves, which can be fitted variety ways.868 ● Cost-effective, handy and fits every pocket: the proven tool for opening and closing the e-skin® energy supply system part number MT.67 20.82.50 40 48.1 More information upon request e-skin® corrugated tubes designed seconds ● Create filling options and configure them completely with interior separation, mounting brackets and chainflex® cables ● Automatic creation parts list and drawing with dimensioning ● Easy inquiry and order the complete corrugated tube More information www.J SK40.igus.3.01 X -1 2 110.5 9.igus.8 94.82.1.H.5 13 SK40.eu/eskin The igus® e-skin® energy supply system can used for short unsupported lengths cleanrooms Fast opening and closing the e-skin® ● The tool for closing the e-skin® energy supply system part number MT.1.SK. 111.914.01 SK40.H.1 94. Tool part number MT.26 15.1 9.26 SK40.80.82. Ring-shaped, wear-optimised Upper lower shells which separators are already injection moulded can combined with full-width shelves.914.eu/eskin More information www.SK.1 SK40.5.80.868 shown here 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www. Full-width shelves This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.J 48. Full-width shelves This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.01 111.8 3 Smooth, round interior separation unassembled assembled Full-width shelf, continuous unassembled assembled Slotted separator unassembled assembled Full-width shelf, continuous unassembled assembled e-skin® SK40 SKS40 SKY40 Accessories Interior separation Smooth, round interior separation, iglidur® material With conventional interior separation with individual elements, the separators are fitted every 112 the connection points! e-skin® SK40 SKS40 SKY40 Accessories Interior separation Conventional with single elements For inner height 40mm. For full-width separation. The full-width shelves are simply clamped between them.5 SK40.02.igus.1.5.J 111.830 SK40 SKS40 SKY40 831 SK40 SKS40 SKY40 2 2 82 110