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MR.MR.1360 ▼ SKFC.MR.807 806 SKF.S Ba A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] E ø [mm] F ø [mm] G ø [mm] SKFC. Cleanroom solutions this type should designed conjunction with igus® engineering team.0* A A B D D F E C C C E G A A B D F D F E E G SKFC.75 37. Please contact www.MR.XXXX A B A B A B ha A B SKF.5 4.75 37.5 4.01.75 37.S Inner height Outer height Pitch Weight e-skin® [mm] e-skin® [mm] 8 040 0.073 *Optional support e-chain® for unsupported length and defined bend radius (only combination with SKF12C) This type system should designed conjunction with our engineering team.75 37.igus.75 37.5 7 117.eu/contact Support e-chain® SKF.5 4.5 7 84 74.igus.75 37.1420 ▼ SKFC.5 139 18.75 37.5 4.0685 ▼ SKFC.MR.5 4.5 4. Individual modules with cable chamber each can be connected form wider systems Pick and place module for battery production with e-skin® flat completed almost million double strokes (as 02/2021) Part No.MR aluminium mounting brackets Variable width, stackable Cross section view Moving end Fixed end Representation complete mounting bracket incl.XXXX SKFC.S 8 12 SKF SKF.08.S.MR.5 7 148.75 37.5 7 93 83.5 18.eu/contact All information this page for guidance only .75 37.5 7 127 117.MR.0625 ▼ SKFC..1665 ▼ Fixed end Moving end Part No.1055 ▼ SKFC.5 4.igus.5 7 166.0870 ▼ SKFC.5.MR.5 7 87 77.75 37.MR.5 4.01.073 8 100 0.MR.75 37.5 18.5 18.5 18. aluminium plate 62.040.MR. diameter-specific strain relief.S Ba R [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] SKF.5 4.5 151 18.070.75 37.S| Product range Enclosed support e-chain® for unsupported length the SKF12C More information www.1115 ▼ SKFC.5 7 111.0840 ▼ SKFC.igus.5 4.75 37.5 7 136 126. e-skin® flat with support e-chain® SKF.01.08.75 37.MR. The plastic parts and screws shown dark grey are not part the above article numbers and must ordered separately! 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.5 4.0* SKF. SKF. Fastening with completely continuous screw holes Hole used igus®.08.5 7 68.S.5 18..MR.5 7 160..1175 ▼ SKFC.eu/e-skin-flat e-skin® flat profiles SKF Mounting brackets Aluminium mounting brackets SKFC. Not intended for end user.5 157 18.MR.1605 ▼ SKFC. Please contact www.MR.5 4. Cleanroom solutions this type should designed conjunction with igus® engineering team.eu/eskin-SKF Mounting brackets can stacked.5 18.5 18.5 102 18.5 4..0* SKF.1270 ▼ SKFC.5 7 105.S Only combination with SKF12C Installation dimensions Features SKF with support chain enclosed solution prevent abrasion.MR.100.5 18.073 8 070 0.1485 ▼ SKFC.5 4.S.5 108 18. All information this page for guidance only .5 18.5 7 142 132.0930 ▼ SKFC