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types available: with wide narrow top.eu/R1608 unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Shelves Width [mm] Standard separator, wide base unassembled assembled Shelf, lockable unassembled assembled More information www. The movable rollers compensate for relative movement between the e-chain® and hose. standard interior separation measured on long e-chain® fitted with cables the igus® lab E4/light e-chains® 1640 Accessories Interior separation allow faster filling Only for e-chains® More interior separation options Only for e-chains® Notchlockingseparator*forincreasedholding force Notch locking separators offer higher crossbar opening forces for high humidity and/or large hydraulic hoses.250 X [mm] 300 1120. Not suitable for side-mounted e-chains®! *Suitable for e-chains® only 3)Availableuponrequest.200 225 1120.12.300 350 1120.1.H.225 250 1120.125 1121.12 112.1 1121.H.1 9 27 489.225 1121.35 112.200 1121.X 490.1 112.X 112 5 10 20 5.X 108.H. E4/light e-tubes R1608 Accessories (e-chains® previous page) Interior separation Increase cable service life Only for e-tubes Previous interior layout program with optional elements www.175 1121. Lean interior separation vs. *Only suitable for e-chains® Split separator, narrow top* unassembled assembled Split separator, wide base/top* unassembled assembled Lean separator*1)3) unassembled assembled Rollclip*, for e-chains® unassembled assembled Notch locking separator*, lockable for e-chains® unassembled assembled .1.100 1121.27 112.2.387 450 1120.075 100 1120.100 125 1120.375 1121.H.766 1640 R1608 767 1640 R1608 112.eu/E4light Note: Please aware the minimum lateral gap the side links! e-tubes: 32mm As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Standard for any application Separator with wide base for maximum holding force.igus.6. Rollclip* Minimises abrasion sensitive hoses.35 25 112.eu/R1608 Note: Please aware the minimum lateral gap the side links! e-chain®: 16mm As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! Split separators* In order fill e-chains® more easily and effectively, these separators can split the middle.16 112 5 112.X 1121.1 1121.150 1121.300 1121.35 20 112.6.1 min. Simply clamps onto the opening crossbar.27 1 112.1 5.H.1 X [mm] 050 1120.1 1121.1 1121.1 6 20 5 112.35 20 108. This allows easier access middle shelf partitions. Lean separators*1)3) For quick fitting shelves several layers.6 112.H.450 1121.12.5.32 108 20 6 20 20 20 5 min. With the lean separator you can quickly insert several layers of cables into the e-chain® and reduce the installation time by up 50%2).eu/1640 www.16 5.27 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www. Can used full-width partial shelf. They can positioned precisely and then locked position.065 075 1120.X 112.125 X [mm] 150 1120.16 min.075 1121.1 5,35 20 5,35 20 5.1.27 490.H.387 1121. 490.1 112.1 108.igus.150 175 1120.050 1121.Deliverytimeuponrequest.1 112. Note: Please combine maximum lean separators with one shelf.350 1121.050 065 1120.175 200 1120.450 X -1 6 6 1120. Horizontal separation Full-width shelf locks securely into separators both ends, giving fixed width.6. Fast assembly and easy retrofit.1.1.igus.2 112.065 1121.1 112.2.1 1121.2.igus.250 1121.375 387 1120.350 375 1120.1.X min.H.X 112