IGUS (en)

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igus.50 1068 E333.50 1081 333.75 1066/1067 E333.5 – 32 075 250 – 50 100 250 – 75 140 300 – 25 048 200 14.16 1081 333.3 – 32 075 250 – 50 100 250 – 75 140 300 – e-tubes Fully enclosed, openable swarf protection 50 100 250 – 50 100 250 – Find the perfect e-chain® quickly www.5 – 32 075 250 – 50 100 250 – 75 140 300 – triflex® enclosed for simple multi-axis applications e-tubes Fully enclosed, non-openable swarf protection 16 038 100 13.eu/finder www.UL-V2 / V0 ● [mm] [mm] ❍ [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] FLB [m] [m] ▲ hi ø mm Bi ha Ba R mm m kg m m ■ E332.eu For simple multi-axis applications and robots Continued .3 – 32 075 250 – 50 100 250 – 75 140 300 – 16 038 100 13.32 1066/1067 E332.75 1081 352.75 1068 332.50 1078/1080 353.50 1081 73 72 Technical details easy triflex® triflex® Legend Opening principle Series / product Inner height Inner width Outer height Outer width Bend radius Pitch e-chain® link Unsupported fill weight Unsupported length Long travel length Interior separation options ESD Cleanroom Quiet Price index Page Standard from from from to Suitable only limited extent Separators Full-width shelves Shelves Possible option Especially suitable easy triflex® for simple multi-axis applications, easy filling from both sides e-chains® "easy" design, very easy fill simply press cables in 25 048 200 14.igus.16 1078/1080 332.75 1078/1080 333.32 1068 E333.32 1081 333.igus.32 1078/1080 332.eu/the-chain CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.50 1078/1080 332.25 1068 E333.25 1066/1067 E332.50 1066/1067 E332