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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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12. R. 14340.04 2. 14340. R. In case travels between and 12m recommend e-chain® with longer unsupported length.0 14240. 14340. 18. 14340. 312 R.0 14240.56 2. 375. 097.0 14240.eu/14340 e-chains®| Series 14240 Crossbars every link (crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) e-chains®| Series 14340 Crossbars every 2nd link(crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) Total length guide trough Moving end Fill weight [kg/m] Fixed end Guide trough without glide bar Guide trough with glide bar Gliding applications For travel lengths from 12m max. 28.R.0 2. 087.0 14240.0 3.0 8. 350.0 14240.0 14240.0 1. 14340.0 14240. R.30 2.0 14240.R.R.0 14240.34 87 114 2.82 2. 237.0 R 135 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 H -0 +25 D K R 135 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 H2 D2 +25 K2 CL LK = S/2 K R [mm] 135 150 175 200 250 300 400 500 | E4/light Series 14240·14340 Product range Stable due undercut design, large inner height More information www..R.73 2.44 137 164 2.72 287 314 3. 362 R.0 14240. 10. 20. 14340. 15.52 2. 23.0 10 D H H - S/2 S H F = H R 84 84 91 + 50 Ba Bi Ba Bi 56 84 50 max.igus. Ba Bi 13 Bi 14240 14340 [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] 14240.72 2.52 175 201 2.R.69 2..R.49 168 194 2. 14340.66 2.0 6.5 2.39 108 134 2.51 2. 137. 162. 14340.0 14240. 14340.0 6. Example: 14240.79 2.10 2. 14340.68 262 289 3.63 237 264 3.69 275 301 3.11 2. 14340.62 2.0 4.64 2.R.0 20 30 40 50 85 60 65 75 0 1. 14240 . R. R.0 Bi 14240 14340 [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] 14240.31 2.38 100 126 2.55 200 226 2.eu/14240 www. R.R. e-chains® 50 2.40 2. 14340.99 ESD version (Electro Static Discharge) available from stock.55 2. 14340.01 2. 14340.61 2.R.0 14240. 14340.73 2. 14340.0 14240. 212. 11.igus. 400.R. 187.0 14240.0 14240. R.0 14240.53 187 214 2.. 262.33 75 101 2.. 14340. 07. 14340. R. 14340. 06.62 728 14240 14340 .300.0 14240.65 250 276 3. 17. 30.81 337 364 3.0 crossbars every 2nd link 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 390 450 550 710 920 1,120 1,530 1,850 728 819 1,001 1,274 1,638 1,911 2,548 3,185 124 159 209 359 509 659 959 1,159 354 384 434 484 584 684 884 1,084 314 329 354 379 429 479 579 679 610 655 735 815 970 1,125 1,440 1,755 The required clearance height: 50mm (with 2.60 225 251 3.40 112 139 2. 112. 29. R. R.0 8.20. R.0 14240. R.0 crossbars every link 14340.32 68 2.0 14240. E4/light|14240·14340|Installationdimensions Unsupported applications Short travels Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] Moving end Fixed end = Offset fixed end 3D CAD, service life calculation, configurators and more www.93 375 401 3.0 14240.58 Part No.5 1. More information From page 142 Available bend radii Complete Part No.0 14240.95 387 414 3.55 2. e-chains® 212 239 2.37 2. 25.0 14240.0 14240. 05.79 325 351 3.20. 337.37 2.igus.95 2. 14340.0 14240.41 125 151 2.47 2.89 2.91 362 389 3. 14340.R.0 4.0 14240.300.0 14240. R.36 97 123 2.40 2. 14340.0 12 0 0. 14340.19 2. with required radius (R).83 350 376 3. 14340. R. 14340.0 14240.42 2.84 2. R. 14340.R. 14340.0 4.97 400 426 3. 14340. 14340 729 14240 14340 1392 1322 S/2 S D2 K2 S/2 H Ri H 2 LK S/2 K2 R FLG FLB 0 2.0 14240. 250m Note: recommend the project planning such system carried out igus®.0 5.R.R.0 14240.0kg/m fill weight) Inner height [mm] 62 Pitch [mm/link] 91 Links/m corresponds [mm] 11 1,001 e-chain® length . 14340.73 300 326 3.20 2.eu/E4light ≤56 mm 62 84 ESD many sizes from stock ● Standardised product made from igumid ESD ● ESD material tested with over million cycles for highest requirements ● Shortdeliverytimesincludingmountingbracketsandinteriorseparation;24hrs,fromstock More information and the complete product range From page 142 Part No.78 312 339 3. 387. 14340. 14340. 14340.R.49 162 189 2. 325.46 150 176 2.0 14240