IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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3 0.10 922 E3.eu/the-chain CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.29 940 66 67 Technical details E3 Legend Opening principle Series / product Inner height Inner width Outer height Outer width Bend radius Pitch e-chain® link Unsupported fill weight Unsupported length Long travel length Interior separation options ESD Cleanroom Quiet Price index Page Standard from from from to Suitable only limited extent Separators Full-width shelves Shelves Possible option Especially suitable E3 high dynamics and cleanroom compatible e-chains® Crossbars strip zip-open along the outer radius 10 015 16.7 0.85 1.45 – Find the perfect e-chain® quickly www.7 0.15 926 E3.eu/finder www.eu Smooth running, small, cleanroom suitable, dynamic Continued .22 930 T3.igus.9 – 22 044 16.igus.7 – 15 032 16.7 0.igus.7 0.UL-V2 / V0 ● [mm] [mm] ❍ [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] FLB [m] [m] ▲ hi ø mm Bi ha Ba R mm m kg m m ■ E3.2 – T3 smooth running "T-band", quiet, cost-effective e-chains® Crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius 29 140 165 038 1