IGUS (en)

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E4.80·H4.02.igus. High lateral accelerations 8m/s2 can managed on this milling machine for bicycles .80 Round square extender crossbar combined with openable crossbars or attached directly the side link (as viewed from the fixed end) Order example: combined with openable crossbars To receive extender crossbar RHD115 pre-fitted along the outer radius the e-chain®, please add index E4.80.80·R4.R.with the width index Bi1/Bi2/Bi3/etc.80.17RD115 115 450.80 R4.10/15RHDE115/10.1 Series E4.80.eu/R4.Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.80 Further accessories Extender crossbar with fixed width 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fitted along the inner radius the e-chain®, please add index E4.Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.80 www.30HD250 220 Bi2 Bi1 125 20 35 Bi 25 1 ±3 14 11 1 2 Bi Bi E4.80 Ø [mm] 450.25HD200 200 450.25D150 150 450.80·H4. can increased when heavy fill weights are required ● e-chains® and e-tubes can combined ● Attached with KMA steel mounting brackets Due the undercut design igus® E4.R.0 R4.R.682 E4.80 R4.igus.0m ● Virtually unlimited side-by-side extension ● For extremely wide e-chains® 3,000mm ● Unsupported length FLG max.0 E4.80 H4.R.20HD150 150 450.30D200 200 450.80 www.17RDZ115.80 Further accessories Extension links Part number Part number Part Extension link individual part Extension link e-chain® Extension link e-tube Outer link Inner link Complete Part No.80 683 E4.80M.10/15RHDZ115/10.1 series feature high lateral stability.10/20/10.igus. and the radius (R).igus.0 Extender crossbars with fixed width Safe guiding for large hoses ● Suitable for hoses with maximum outer diameter 270mm ● Option extender crossbars with fixed width combine with openable crossbars ● Option extender crossbars with fixed width attached directly the side link ● Optionally openable along the inner "Z" the outer radius "E" ● Gliding with crossbars assembled along the outer radius and special guide trough E4.80.0 Extension links For extremely wide e-chains® 3. Example: E4.0 Order example: fitted side link To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fitted along the outer radius the e-chain®, please add index E4.17RDE115.80.80·R4.80.1 PartNo.1 Series E4.R.0 ToreceiveextendercrossbarRHD115pre-fittedalongtheinnerradiusofthee-chain®,pleaseaddindexZ:E4.80 H4.eu/E4.80.200.eu/H4.extendercrossbarwith fixedwidth,asindividualparts Hose Extender crossbar shape Fitted to side link Combine with openable crossbars ¡ round yes ¡ round yes no o square yes no o square yes no o square yes no o square yes no o square yes o square yes o square yes More information www.35D250 220 450.eu/E4.R.40D300 270 450.01 E4.R.80M.15RHD115 115 450