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12.421.eu/H4.clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclips areavailablefromstock.12.C 087.*.C E4.5 22.421. ▼ E4.*.*.11 .421.420.42 H4. ▼ R4.*.18 .1 R4.237.C R4.*.C 18.C E4.087.420.421.A2 .12.*.10 .420.C 20.12.11 .*.A2 .*.12.421.06 .337.20 .igus.420.12.C 10. ▼ E4.20 . ▼ E4.29 .42 Accessories KMA mounting brackets Attachment from any side Pivoting Locking KMA pivoting Recommended for unsupported and gliding applications KMA locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications Fixed end Moving end Pivoting angle depends on radius Pivoting angle depends on radius E4.12.12.421.*.*.*.*.12.420.12.12.2.C E4. *.C E4.12.12. ▼ E4.420.421.*.*.igus.420.*.C 237.C 17.C E4.A2 .42·H4.A2 30° 30° 30° Bi [mm] 05.12.C R4.137.C E4. ▼ E4.087.421.15 .12.42 R4.420.A4 .097.C R4.C 06. ▼ E4.420/421 .*.*.A3 .421.C 400.12. ▼ R4.A .420.12.*.06 .12.312.1 Width index Part No.421.12.A4 .*.30 .12.1 E4.112. *.Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi 82 64 + 32 + 16 6.C 23.25 .*.15 .1 KMA mit ZE E4 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E2/R2 .12.12.420. outer side link should always the first e-chain® link the moving end.12. Full set KMA pivoting Part No.421.421.*. ▼ E4.C E4.12.17 .12. ▼ E4.420.C 10.*.420.5 22 + 32 + 16 6.420/421 .*.*.18 .387.05 .12.*.162.C 09.15 . ▼ E4.C Bi [mm] 212. ▼ R4.421.C .*.C 07.*.C 350.28 .*. .C E4.42 Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted C-profile option Full set Even numbers links width index Series Moving end Fixed end Moving end Fixed end Possible orientations for KMA mounting brackets.C R4.*. ▼ E4.A3 .12.12 . Full set KMA locking 212 225 237 250 262 275 287 300 312 325 337 350 362 375 387 400 (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) For the C-profile option please add index .137.C E4.420.12.C 29.421. ▼ E4.12.C R4.12.087.*.420/421 .11 .C 312. ▼ E4.*.*.A1 Bi [mm] 05.420.*.*.C E4.C R4.420.25 . *.*.06 .11 .12.421. For mounting brackets pre-fitted without C-profile, please attach index For types pre-fitted with C-profile please attach index . ▼ E4. Full set KMA locking 50 68 75 087 100 108 Width index Part No.325.42 R4.29 .1/R2.420.5 22 + 32 + 16 6.12. ▼ E4.12.20 .05 .421.262.05 .12.12. Full set KMA pivoting Part No.212. ▼ E4.421.421. ▼ R4. ▼ E4.325.420.17 .C 262.362.*.112..*.12.C E4.420.420.C 187.12. ▼ E4.12.12.*.12.12.420.421.C E4.*.C E4.C 20.17 . ▼ E4.421.12.421.*.C Pivoting angle depends on radius Front view of KMA E4.420. ▼ E4.420.06 .C 11.*. ▼ R4.420.eu/E4.C.420.C E4.420.C 137.421.12.C E4. Note The e-chains® may end with either inner outer side link.420.420.*.C 087. ▼ E4.420. ▼ E4.*.12.12.421.12.*.421.C 11.30 .12.A1, . Width index Part No.C R4.12.5 15 22 15 22.421.*.*.30 . ▼ E4.30 .420.10 .A3 .362.12.*.*.*.C E4.*.420.5 + 16 64 82 82 R4.12.05 .42 H4.*. ▼ E4.421.421.C 387.42 Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi 15 22.C E4.237.A1 .C E4.420.087.5 22. ▼ E4.12.*.*.12.*.*.12.*.*.23 .1 e-tubes R4.igus.eu/R4.421.C (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) For the C-profile option please add index .*.421.*.C 15.*. *.*.07 .12..400.C E4.25 .*. ▼ R4..C 325.C 12.C Bi [mm] 12.387..420.*.. ▼ R4.12.C R4.C E4. ▼ R4. ▼ E4. ▼ E4.C E4. ▼ R4.420.17 . ▼ E4.A4.12. Full set KMA locking 50 68 75 87 97 100 108 112 125 137 150 162 168 175 187 200 Width index Part No.162.421. 337..C 17. ▼ E4.C E4.23 .1 e-chains® E4.421.12.12.*. ▼ E4.212.C R4.*.12.12.28 .*.420.*.12.42 www.420.421.12.12.421.*.262.5 22.12. Full set KMA pivoting Part No.*.C 28.421.12.421.C 375. ▼ E4. ▼ E4.eu/E4.A2, .42 www.421.421.420.*.A .igus.*.12.420.12.12.5 15 22 15 22. ▼ R4.5 + 16 64 82 82 + 16 652 E4.421.C E4.A3 .*.42 Accessories KMA mounting brackets Attachment from any side Pivoting Locking Strainreliefe.07 .42 E4.C E4.C E4.A1 .12.C E4.C 25.12.C 30.*.12.12.12.A .421.*.25 .C 25.375.C 362.15 .12.*.07 .C 15. Please specify the index (for odd) (for even) depending even odd number links required.*. ▼ R4.420.C 07. ▼ R4.*.421.12 .A E2.337.5 22.C E4.420.C E4.A4 .350.421.375. ▼ E4.*.12.C R4.*.*.400.12.2 30° 30° 30° 653 E4.C R4.312.10 .*.C 30..12.350.12.*. Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 Front view of KMA KMA pivoting Recommended for unsupported and gliding applications KMA locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications Fixed end Moving end 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.12.C =1 =2 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 9 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 .*.5 15 22.*.*.g.420.C 162.20 .07 .A1 .420.*.C 112. Full set KMA pivoting Part No.12.12.C R4..12.*.187.10 .421.C 06.C E4.C More information www.420.C E4.420.C E4. Full set KMA locking 125 150 168 200 250 300 (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) For the C-profile option please add index .421.2 E4.A .*.420/421 .C E4.12.420.12. .12.12.420