IGUS (en)

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8 40.32 Extender crossbars with flexible width Safe guiding for large hoses ● For guiding and protecting large hoses ● With mounting for noise dampers ● Cable-friendly design, high crossbar holding force ● The openable extender crossbars can fitted different ways and combinations ● Optionally openable along the inner outer radius E4.g.150.XXXBZ50.32 R4.32 ≤34 mm ≤28 mm ≤34 mm Bi Bi Ba Bi 49.1 Series E4.0 H4.32.32.32 www.0 H4.0 H4.18RD115 105 E4.R.R.R.eu/E4.32.0 – Bi [mm] | 100 125 137 150 162 175 187 200 212 225 237 250 | | 262 275 287 300 312 325 337 350 362 375 387 400 | E4.eu/R4.32. E4.32.XXXB50.1 More information www.igus.0 – 120 E4.igus.0 ToreceiveextendercrossbarRHD115pre-fittedalongtheinnerradiusofthee-chain®,pleaseaddindexZ:E4.R.R.1 can fitted with openable extender crossbars, which increase the size the interior the e-chain®.02) 72 E4.646 647 E4.32.extendercrossbarwith fixedwidth,asindividualparts Hose Extender crossbar shape Fitted to side link Combine with openable crossbars ¡ round yes ¡ round yes no View from the fixed end Versions Hose Part number Part number e-chain® with extender crossbar crossbars every link crossbars every 2nd link Extendercrossbarandstandardcrossbaralternatingalongtheinnerandouterradius1) Extender crossbar both sides along the inner and outer radius2) Extender crossbar along the outer radius3) Extender crossbar along the inner radius2) Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along the outer radius3) Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along inner radius1) 1) Minimum bend radius: 125 Minimum bend radius: 150 Minimum bend radius: 063 Available inner widths Part number with the width index XXX the and the radius (R) supplement e.32 H4.XXXBE50.0 100 e-chain® with crossbars every link Extender crossbars from both sides along the inner and outer radius Bend radius (R) 150 Round extender crossbar combined with openable crossbars attached directly the side link (as viewed from the fixed end) .32·H4.XXXBE50.R.6 32 131.32 Further accessories e-chain® with openable extender crossbars The E4.igus.R.0 To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fitted along the inner radius the e-chain®, please add index E4.0 Order example: fitted side link To receive extender crossbar RD115 pre-fitted along the outer radius the e-chain®, please add index E4.32. Crossbars can fitted various ways: from one both sides, alternating with standard crossbars and any combination 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.32.32.0 – 34 E4.10/15RHDZ115/10.R.32 H4.R.XXXHB50.R.18RDZ115.32 R4.XXXHBE50.0 PartNo.32 www.32.32 Further accessories Extender crossbar with fixed width Extender crossbars with fixed width Safe guiding for large hoses ● Suitable for hoses with maximum outer diameter 105mm ● Option extender crossbars with fixed width combine with openable crossbars ● Option extender crossbars with fixed width attached directly the side link ● Optionally openable along the inner "Z" the outer radius "E" ● Gliding with crossbars assembled along the outer radius and special guide trough Order example: combined with openable crossbars To receive extender crossbar RHD115 pre-fitted along the outer radius the e-chain®, please add index E4.eu/H4.8 149.10/15RHDE115/10.32·R4.32 Ø ≤[mm] 34 E4.32.10B50.XXXBZ50.6 25 14 - 50 + 23 Ø [mm] 385.18RDE115.R.15RHD115 105 385.XXXHBZ50.1 Series E4.02) 34 E4.32.XXXB50.eu/E4.R.32.32.32·H4.32·R4.R.igus.02) 72 E4