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210.A .igus.12 T2112 T2111 T2113.12 050.X X [mm] 030 110.12 110.21 Moving end Fixed end Strainreliefe.210. Full set KMA pivoting 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width index Part No.210.12 100.040.5 8.*. ▼ E4. *.100.1 Series E4.210.Z 111.90 100 110.210 . For full-width separation.5 2 42 5 4 7 7 Bi [mm] 030.5 4.12 1.igus.12 070.*.A2 . *Note: not suitable for Bi030.210.210.*. Slotted notch separator* Can locked/fixed securely due special recesses on the crossbars the e-chain®..12 Bi [mm] 090.110.A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil T3 solo E3 AE E3 AE .40 050 110..090. ▼ E4.120 E4.210. Front view of KMA Fixed end Moving end The bracket orientations are set automatically when using an igus® KMA mounting bracket with attachment from any side.X 398 392 T432M 387.21 48° 48° 629 E4. ▼ E4.120 111.210 .100 X [mm] 110 110.12 080.Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 Note The e-chains® may end with either inner outer side link.030.110 120 110.A . Order example Pre-assembled Full set Even numbers links width index Series Pivoting angle depends on radius .080.A3 =1 =2 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 9 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 E4.A .5 8 T2101 T2111 X t 2,5 2 110.*.12. ▼ E4.210.30 111.628 Bi Bi 35 30. 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.2. *. ▼ E4...12 060.210.30 040 110. ▼ E4. The slot allows basic vertical/ horizontal shelving arrangements.A .70 080 110.60 X [mm] 070 110.2 E4.A4 . Full-width shelf This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.X 5 4 42 20 5 5 6.21 3814 387.90 111.40 111.50 060 110.*.*.1 Series E4.210.A E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .1 E4.5 28 Bi + 9 Bi + 18 Bi + 9 Bi + 18 Bi + 9 8.X 387 389 384 min.eu/E4. Special separator upon request.070.80 111.210.120.*. Please specify the index (for odd) (for even) depending even odd number links required.100 111.*.To receive KMA mounting bracket pre-fitted please add index .12 040. Full set KMA pivoting 90 100 110 120 140 (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) Special mounting bracket feature: hexagonal design the counterbore allowing the nut and M4 hexagon socket-head screw engage Full-width shelves Width [mm] unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Slotted separator unassembled assembled Slotted notch separator unassembled assembled Full-width shelf for e-chains® unassembled assembled More information www.eu/E4. The separator cannot slide sideways during operation.060.210. ▼ E4.5 8 T2102 T2112 1. ▼ E4.120.21 Accessories KMA mounting brackets Pivoting KMA pivoting Recommended for unsupported and gliding applications Note: Please aware the minimum lateral gap the side links! e-chain® 12mm As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! E4.g.3 SW7 E4. outer side link should always the first e-chain® link the moving end.12 140.50 111.X 111.21 Accessories Interior separation Slotted separator* For vertical subdivision.050.12 120.80 090 110.60 111. ▼ E4.*.70 111.110 111. ▼ E4.140.1 Width index Part No.A1 .*.clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclipsareavailablefromstock.5 5.*. ▼ E4