IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 298 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
34 www.R.70 212 236 2.34 H4Q.0 E4Q.R.150.54 150 173 1.* H4Q.R.34. 250.* H4Q. e-chains® 237 261 2.74 1.* H4Q.R. 108.41 1.34. H4Q.0 E4Q.34.0 E4Q. 8.igus.34.0 E4Q.* H4Q.0 E4Q.0 6.R.eu/H4Q.97 362 386 2. Example: E4Q.0 34 34 592 593 1392 S/2 S D2 K2 S/2 H Ri H 2 LK S/2 K2 R FLG FLB 0.R. 300.* 237.34.34.R.34.90 2.83 287 311 2.34.60 1. 350. 100.34.0 0 2.34.96 1.63 168 191 2.* 337.0 E4Q.0 E4Q.R.R.0 E4Q.34.0 E4Q.10 1.* Bi E4Q.78 2.34 [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] E4Q.34 H4Q..34.92 337 361 2.0 E4Q. 125.34.* H4Q.69 1.R.R.34 E4Q.34.34 Gliding applications For travel lengths from 10m max. H4Q.34.34.85 300 323 2.34.igus. Series E4Q. H4Q.0 E4Q.81 275 298 2.34. H4Q.R.0 E4Q.* 325.78 262 286 2.55 1.34.34 Crossbars every 2nd link (crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) E4Q Series E4Q.R.34.0 E4Q.34 H4Q.0 crossbars every link H4Q.0 E4Q. H4Q.R.R.34.0 E4Q.0 E4Q.34.34.45 100 123 1.01 387 411 2.34.52 137 161 1.76 250 273 2.34. H4Q. 168.43 87 111 1.0 Crossbars every link (crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius) Series H4Q.34.0 8.34.36 1. H4Q.65 1.34.15 1.* H4Q.150. 150.34.06 1.34.0 crossbars every 2nd link . H4Q. Available bend radii R [mm] 063| 075| 100| 125| 150| 175| 200| 220| 250| 300| Complete Part No.34.eu/E4Q.* 112.34 [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [kg/m] E4Q.34.R.74 Part No.R.* 262.0 E4Q. H4Q.34 R H +20 0 D K R H2 D2 +25 K2 CL 1316 Moving end Fixed end E4Q Series E4Q.0 E4Q.03 400 423 2.R.* 225.60 162 186 2. H4Q. H4Q.* H4Q. H4Q.73 1.32 1.* 212.R.34.99 375 398 2.34.R.0 E4Q.08 ≤30 mm 34 54 *Width available upon request.47 108 131 1.64 175 198 2. 2.83 1..34 H4Q.* 312. Delivery time upon request.0 E4Q.* 387.19 1.03 1.R. H4Q.34.R.* H4Q.34..34.00 1.28 1.34 Bi E4Q.150.R..34 Product range The next generation easy-to-assemble e-chains® More information www.34.34.* H4Q. with required radius (R).70 1.* H4Q.0 E4Q.R.72 225 248 2.* H4Q.0 E4Q.34.* H4Q.64 1. 200m Part No.eu/E4Q 063 075 100 125 150 175 200 220 250 300 126 150 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 146 158 370 470 500 655 770 900 930 1,100 310 350 616 784 896 1,120 1,288 1,456 1,568 1,904 – 160 210 240 370 460 540 570 690 063 075 100 125 150 175 200 220 250 300 180 204 254 304 354 404 454 494 554 654 174 186 211 236 261 286 311 331 361 411 310 350 430 505 585 665 745 805 900 1,055 The required clearance height: 40mm (with 2.34.67 200 223 .34.0 E4Q.* H4Q.24 1.46 1. 1. 4. 1.* 362.49 125 148 1.* H4Q.* 287. 312 336 2.34 Installation dimensions Unsupported applications Short travels Inner height [mm] 34 Pitch [mm/link] 56 Links/m corresponds [mm] 18 1,008 e-chain® length Fill weight [kg/m] Unsupported length FLG FLB [m] Travel [m] Moving end Fixed end Guide trough without glide bar Guide trough with glide bar Total length guide trough = Offset fixed end 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.0 4. 175. 20 30 40 50 85 60 65 75 10 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 1.0kg/m fill weight) Note: recommend the project planning such system carried out igus®.0 12 H H - H F = H + R D S/2 S 54 56 54 40 Ba Bi LK = S/2 K E4Q. In case travels between and 10m recommend e-chain® with longer unsupported length.0 E4Q.94 350 373 2.34. e-chains® 75 1.0 6.0 4. 075.* 375.65 187 211 2.* 162.51 1.82 2.0 E4Q.* H4Q.R..0 5.90 325 348 2.* 400.0 E4Q.34.* H4Q.* 137.0 2.34.79 1.R.* H4Q.61 1.* 187.34.49 112 136 1. E4Q.R.34.igus.0 E4Q.R.R