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with the width index XXX and the minimum bend radius (R).0 170 E4.1L can fitted with openable extender crossbars, which increase the size the interior the e-chain®.0 48 E4. Complete Part No.R.igus.R.578 E4.XXXBZ65.1L Series E4.eu/E4.64L CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.XXXHB65.R.64L Bi 50 Bi Ba 16 ≤48 mm ≤48 mm ≤57 mm 25 8 65 65 64 212 194 Ø [mm] 48 E4.XXXB65.64L.0 Bi [mm] | 100 112 125 150 175 187 200 212 225 300 325 350 | More information www.R.igus.150.64L.64L.0 115 E4. Crossbars can fitted various ways: from one both sides, alternating with standard crossbars and any combination View from the fixed end Available widths (other widths available upon request.XXXHBZ65.64L.eu/E4.100B65.0 48 E4.1L Series E4.R.XXXBE65. Example: E4.64L Further accessories e-chain® with openable extender crossbars Extender crossbars with flexible width Safe guiding for large hoses ● For guiding and protecting large hoses ● With mounting for noise dampers ● Cable-friendly design, high crossbar holding force ● The openable extender crossbars can fitted different ways and combinations ● Optionally openable along the inner outer radius The E4.64L.64L 579 E4.1L E4.64L.0 115 E4.XXXHBE65.64L.R.64L Further accessories Steel support tray for support the lower run ● Simple one-piece support trays for the lower run ● your requirements and specification ● options available More information From page 1356 The sharp with the centrally arranged guided link system order able implement the telescoping arm projecting from both sides, two igus® E4.0 100 Extender crossbar both sides along inner and outer radius bend radius (R) 150 Versions Hose Part number e-chain® with extender crossbar e-chain® with extender crossbar Extendercrossbarandstandardcrossbaralternating alongtheinnerandouterradius1) Extender crossbar both sides along the inner and outer radius2) Extender crossbar along the outer radius3) Extender crossbar along the inner radius2) Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along the outer radius3) Extender crossbar and standard crossbar alternating along inner radius1) 1) Minimum bend radius: 125 Minimum bend radius: 150 Minimum bend radius: 100 E4. Delivery time upon request.1L series e-chains® were combined together offset 180 degrees