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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

Strana 289 z 723

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Poznámky redaktora
12.C* 325.*.640.12.641.C E4.*. ▼ E4.641.*.C 337.12.A2 .641.640 . ▼ E4.A1 .641/E4.12.*.C* 275.C* E4.12.igus.641.*.*.C 200.212.112.C 112.*.*.137. ▼ E4.12.C* 375.12.*.640.A1 . *.*.641.387.640.12.C 362.150.A2 .12.*.C.*.350.*.640.641.*.*.100.150.A2 E2.C E4.275.1 KMA mit ZE E4 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E6 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E2/R2 R117/R48/ 1400/1500 1450/1480 .C* 387.A3 .*..640. ▼ E4.175.C E4.287.375.C* 175.375. *.12.*.162.641.*.*.641.641.640.64L Bi [mm] 050.eu/E4.12.*.C* E4.A4 .*.C E4.12.. Full set KMA pivoting Part No.641.12.*.64L Front view of KMA E4. outer side link should always the first e-chain® link the moving end.g.12.A4.12.640.C* E4.187.225.12. ▼ E4.641.A3 .325.C E4.*.C* E4.C* E4.C 162.175.640.574 Bi 5 5 125 + 12 + 30 20 20 45 84 125 20 20 Bi Bi 39,5 39,5 Bi -7 7 9 35° 35° 35° E4.12. ▼ E4. ▼ E4.641.*.400.12.C 087.64L Accessories KMA mounting brackets Attachment from any side 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.12.641.*.362.641.200.12.12.C 187.350.*. ▼ E4.1L e-chains® E4. Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 Fixed end Moving end E4.641.300.C 100.A .*.640. ▼ E4.12..212.640.640.237. Full set KMA locking 237 250 262 275 287 300 312 325 337 350 362 375 387 400 (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) For the C-profile option please add index *Width available upon request.640.C* E4.C 312.12.641.*.C E4. ▼ E4.*.12.A .125.640.050.200. Full set KMA locking 50 62 75 87 100 112 125 137 150 162 175 187 200 212 225 Width index Part No.*.1 E4.64L Accessories KMA mounting brackets Attachment from any side Pivoting Locking KMA pivoting Recommended for unsupported and gliding applications KMA locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications Strainreliefe.igus.12.C* E4.312. ▼ E4.641.C* =1 =2 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 9 3 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 .C E4.641.400.C* E4.1/R2.12.250.640.641.12.640.137.C* 287.387.A2, .12.*.C E4. ▼ E4.A .C* 300.*.*.075.C Bi [mm] 237.12.237.A3 .C* 400.641.C* E4. ▼ E4.A .*.640 .12.12.262.*.640.C* E4.640.225.12.A4 .1L Width index Part No. ▼ E4.*.A4 . ▼ E4. ▼ E4. ▼ E4.A .C E4.*.*.*.12.187.C Moving end Fixed end R4.062.*.12.640.640.*.337.12.300.050.640.12.*.12.12.A3 .A2 575 E4.C 225.150. ▼ E4.640.12.*.eu/E4.640.A2 .640.1L e-chains® E4.640.C E4.12.*.A4 .A1 .*.C E4.087.12.A3 . Note The e-chains® may end with either inner outer side link.12. Delivery time upon request.A1 Pivoting angle depends on radius More information www.062.641.C E4.641/E4.641.12.A3 . ▼ E4.100.12.*.C 125.640.*. ▼ E4.*.C 262.clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclips areavailablefromstock.641.*.C* E4.641. For mounting brackets pre-fitted without C-profile, please attach index For types pre-fitted with C-profile please attach index .641.12.A2 .12.162.325.12.12.64L E4. ▼ E4.C E4.C* E4.*..362.640.C E4. ▼ E4.C* 250.641.C* 150.641.A .275. ▼ E4.12. Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted C-profile option Full set Even numbers links width index Series Possible orientations for KMA mounting brackets.*.*.*.A1 .2 E4.*.C* 350.12.262.640.C* 075.*.641.12.C E4.12.1L e-tubes guide motor, encoder and sensor cables bending machine .A . ▼ E4.A .C 137. Full set KMA pivoting Part No.12.2.312.A1, .640.12. Please specify the index (for odd) (for even) depending even odd number links required. ▼ E4.12.*.A1 .640.*.087.*. ▼ E4.A4 .C* E4. ▼ E4. ▼ E4.112.C* E4. ▼ E4.C* 062.A2 .