IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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0m with 50% more fill weight Aluminium "SuperTrough" the standard igus® guide trough From page 1298 Flexible extender crossbar range - e-chain® extender with crossbars for enlarging the interior Aluminium and steel support trays for support the lower run From page 1362 Lean separators enable extremely fast cable filling several layers E4.1Le-chains® andR4. Series Unsupported Gliding1) Vertical hanging Vertical standing Side mounted unsupported ≤ 4.0m 1.31L E4.48L R4.eu/lean E4.0m ≤ 7.31L R4.igus.0m 2.31L R4.1L Features Accessories Safe parallel guiding corrugated tubes with the optional, external TUB guidance KMA mounting brackets with attachment options from any side Extension links for extremely wide e-chains® up 2.1Le-tubecrossbars, lidsandshelvesareopenablealongtheinner and outer radius, from both sides Assembledinseconds-CFUhoneycomb strain relief.eu/lean Swarf test the igus® lab protection demonstrated this test setup; stop-dogs completely free swarf The light and fully enclosed R4.6m ≤ 5. More information www.31L R4.31L: gliding application required for long travel, please consult igus®.igus.1L Technical data Overview Speed gliding1) acceleration gliding1) [m/s] [m/s2] Speed FLG acceleration FLG [m/s] 200 [m/s2] Speed FLB acceleration FLB [m/s] [m/s2] Material permitted temperature °C, igumid -40°C/+120°C Flammability class, igumid VDE 0304 IIC UL94-HB FLG unsupported with straight upper run FLB unsupported with permitted sag 1) Series E4.38L R4.5m 80m 50m 3. Simply insert cables and hoses into the honeycomb and close 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.542 543 FLG FLB E4.0m 1) Series E4.1 e-tubes from igus® are now available high-temperature version .5m 0.0m upon request 40m 2.5m 100m 80m 3.48L E4.2m ≤ 4.0m upon request 80m 8.64L Installation types, maximum travels Technical data E4.0m 1.31L: gliding application required for long travel, please consult igus®.38L E4