IGUS (en)

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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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2 33.5 23.6 120 28.5 123 100 32 52 70 172.5 4.5 27 3 4.5 RX32 RX40 RX48 RX56 UL94-V0 classification upon request Electrically conductive ESD e-tubes upon request Optionally available with igumid HT material for hot swarf +850°C RX e-tubes tested www.4 80 26 42 56 18.igus.4 1. ● Openable along the outer radius ● Roundcontourpreventsswarfaccumulation ● Injection-moulded seal between links ● holes, gaps undercuts ● Covered pin/bore connection and stop- dogs ● SeriesRX40hasbeentestedforIPprotection class (IP40) (TÜV NORD CERT GmbH) ● RBR version with Reverse Bend Radius available Typical industries and applications ●Machinetools●Allapplicationsinswarfarea ● With dust and dirt General mechanical engineering RX e-tubes Selection table Available from stock.10 41 140 172.2 2.eu/RX_tested Safe: covered pin/bore connection and stop-dogs Smooth design: without undercuts edges Swarf-resistant design: round contour prevents swarf accumulation Keep order: modular separation available Fast assembly: lids removable along the outer radius Fast opening: with inbuilt locking mechanism More information www. With the RX system igus® offers extremely tough but smoothly shaped polymer e-tube.5 22 3 4.igus.eu/RX Flush attachment: mounting bracket with strain relief option RX e-tubes Introduction Advantages Extremely swarf- resistant e-tubes - RX system Problem solver for energy supply systems in areas with swarf; openable along the outer radius.5 18. Swarf and dirt can significantly reduce the service life cables and hoses. Ready ship 72hrs.5 35 62 84 23.30 .0 1.70 32 100 123. 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.* *Average time before the ordered goods are dispatched.5 28.eu/RX Series Inner height Inner width Outer width Outer height Bend radius Unsupported length [m] Page RX system - extremely swarf- resistant e-tubes lids removable along the outer radius 26 98.5 147.5 32 3 140 41 73 98 4.5 33.igus.[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] RX32 080 175 522 RX40 100 300 526 RX48 120 255 530 RX56 140 250 534 518 519 17 17 3 98.6 2.80 35 120 147