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A4 R100 e-tubes Series R157·R158 Accessories KMA, long Attachment from any side Pivoting Locking More information www. ▼ 15800.A E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .QF.5 40 29 40 12 12 1580 .090.34 050.4 46 46 45. ▼ 15801. 1580 .175.QF Order example Pre-assembled Full set width index Series Order example Pre-assembled Full set width index Series Front view of KMA Front view of KMA Fixed end Moving end Fixed end Moving end Pivoting angle depends radius Pivoting angle depends radius Quickflange upon request Quickflange upon request Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) The bracket orientations are set automatically when using an igus® KMA mounting bracket with attachment from any side. ▼ 1580. ▼ 15800.12 A [mm] B [mm] Bi [mm 040.12 1585.12 1585.150. ▼ 1580. ▼ 15800.12 1585..4 45.12 100.1 34.175.A3 .QF Width index Part no..050.12 15800.100.12 1585.8 Length depends the thickness the attachment base Washer 5. 15800.A 481 R157 R158 1580.A E4 ALLE KMA mit C-Profil E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil .eu/R157 www.100...34 100.090..100.A4 .A .125.12 15800.A3 .088. full set KMA locking 50 40 60 50 85 75 98 109 88 98 109 88 110 121 100 135 146 125 145 156 135 160 171 150 185 196 175 210 221 200 (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) The following parts are required for attachment the mounting brackets: ● Socket head cap bolt DIN 912-8.12 088.175.igus. 15800.34 1585.clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclips areavailablefromstock.12 125.050.12 1585.135. ▼ 1580. 15800.g.200. ▼ 1580. ▼ 15800.34 175.175..135. ▼ 15800.480 R157 R158 15800. 1580 .040.12 15800. ▼ 15801.4 45 34.1 34.3 DIN 125-ST Hexagon nut DIN 934-8 To receive full sets with pre-fitted quickflange please add index For example: Part No.12 1585.5 29 22 94 94 46 25 45 52 52 22 10. ▼ 15800.12 15801.A .200. ▼ 1580.g.12 200.5 40 29 40 12 12 15° 15° 12°-15° 12°-15° 26° 10°-26° .A .. 91.eu/R158 KMA, long pivoting Recommended for unsupported applications KMA, long locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications Strainreliefe.. 1580 . ▼ 1580.A .150.12 150.200.igus.12 15800.12 1585.12. Unassembled quickflange: Part No.12 175.igus.4 11. 1 Bi A B Bi A B 91. full set KMA pivoting Part No.125. Unassembled quickflange: Part No.. full set KMA pivoting Part No.1 11.34 Bi A B 34.135. ▼ 1580.075.100.075.To receive KMA mounting bracket pre-fitted please add index .3 11.34 200. The bracket orientations are set automatically when using an igus® KMA mounting bracket with attachment from any side..34 075. 1585 .34 090.088.5 29 94 94 46 25 45 52 52 22 10.135.A A [mm] B [mm] Bi [mm 040.3 25 10..12 075. 1580 . ▼ 1580.12 090.A1 .12 15800. ▼ 15800.150..To receive KMA mounting bracket pre-fitted please add index.clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclipsareavailablefromstock.090.3 DIN 125-ST Hexagon nut DIN 934-8 To receive full sets with pre-fitted quickflange please add index For example: Part No.100.12.3 11. 15800.A1 .12.A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil . 1580 . 1585 .040. ▼ 1580.050.12 1585.075.12 15800..12 15800..34 125.075..3 10. full set KMA locking 50 40 60 50 85 75 98 109 88 98 109 88 110 121 100 135 146 125 145 156 135 160 171 150 185 196 175 210 221 200 (KMA polymer metal mounting bracket) The following parts are required for attachment the mounting brackets: ● Socket head cap bolt DIN 912-8.eu/R100 Width index Part no.100.A2 .34 150.125. ▼ 15800.150.QF.12 15801.040. Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil .088.12 15800.125.Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 R100 e-tubes Series R157·R158 Accessories KMA, short Attachment from any side Pivoting Locking KMA, short pivoting Recommended for unsupported applications KMA, short locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications Strainreliefe.8 Length depends the thickness the attachment base Washer 5.12 1585.050..088. ▼ 1580.34 088. ▼ 1580.12 050.12 135.12 1585.090. ▼ 15800.12 15800.A .A2