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Vydal: HENNLICH s.r.o.

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Option Shelves Slotted separator Vertical separation e-chains®. The slot allows basic vertical/ horizontal shelving arrangements.73 088 2200.A ..A2 .34PZ1 2070.23 2210.88 099 2200.34PZ1B 2030.A E2/zipper A2/A4 solo E2 A2 +A4 solo T3 solo E3 AE version 01 E3 AE version 02 .23 028 2200.48 2210.12PZ1 4 05.5 2.34PZ1 2100. As standard separators are fitted every 2nd e-chain® link! E2 medium e-chains® 255 Accessories Interior separation Option Option 2 Option Full-width shelves Slotted separator Vertical separation e-chains®.34PZ1B.5 5 5 10.34PZ1B 2050.1 30 10 40 30 t = 8 10 2 10 - 3 + 1 90° 53° 53° 90° 45° 90° 45° 90° 45° 45° 90° 90° 2 .33 2210.12PZ1B 2030.5 10 2551 2552 038 220.A1, .77 103 220.28 033 2200.A4 .43 048 2200.X 221.A3 . 4PZ1(B) . For full-width separation.34PZ1 2030.57 077 220.28 2210.34PZ1B 2070.18 023 2200.A3 E2 medium e-chains® 255 Accessories Mounting brackets, polymer Pivoting Locking More information www.X 2. Shelf For applications involving many cables with different diameters, shelves can fitted different heights.5 2.38 2210. 2070. 2050.440 255 Ba A 7 Ba A 17 15 12/90° 32 40 6.5 220.38 057 220.X 4 10 2553 2554 X [mm] 018 2200.73 2210. receive mounting brackets pre-fitted please add index .12PZ1B 2100.43 2210..X 2210. 3PZ(B) . 2030.A1 441 255 2130 2552 2552 2554 2554 2210.88 2210.X 221.68 2210. The slot allows basic vertical/ horizontal shelving arrangements..103 221..A . full set locking Number of teeth with tiewrap plates without tiewrap plates with tiewrap plates without tiewrap plates 25 44 64 90 Full set with tiewrap plate cable tiewraps, please add index K1.68 073 2200.75 10.A2 .A1 .Thecomplete chainfix range with ordering options From page 1392 No lateral gap side links necessary. 2PZ1(B) 2100.12PZ1B 2070. PZ(B) .12PZ1 8 10.g.eu/255 Polymer pivoting Recommended for unsupported and gliding applications Polymer locking Recommended for vertical hanging and standing applications Moving end Fixed end Strainreliefe.34PZ1 2050.A4 E4 ALLE ohne c-Profil ..103 X [mm] [mm] X 2.A .clamps,tiewrapplates,nuggetsandclipsareavailablefromstock.igus.eu/E2000 Width index Part No.18 2210.5 7 24 25 5 5 A [mm] 03.A4.38 043 2200.12PZ1B 2050.58 2210.34PZBK1 Slotted separator unassembled assembled Full-width shelf for e-chains® unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Slotted separator unassembled assembled Shelf for e-chains® unassembled assembled Full-width shelves Width [mm] unassembled assembled unassembled assembled unassembled assembled Shelves Width [mm] Order example to indicate option with brackets pre-fitted With integrated strain relief tiewrap plates Full set Series Moving end (outer link) Fixed end (inner link) Possible variations for assembled mounting brackets.A4 .99 2210.Z 2120 2.12PZ1 6 07.48 058 2200. 2100.5 X-7 2200.57 221.A E6 ALLE ohne c-Profil .75 2.77 221.ZR 2120. 3D CAD, configurators, service life calculation and more www.34PZ1B 2100..A2 .38 221. . full set pivoting Part No..A2, ..A .igus.X 2554 2120. Example: 2030.58 X [mm] 068 2200.33 X [mm] 038 2200. Full-width shelf This option for applications with many small cables with similar diameters.99 .12PZ1 10 X-1 t 2